DotA 2 Codes!

DotA 2 Codes!

Yoyo whassup my tulips, dig this shit.

So I've been playing a lot of DotA 2 recently (the matchmaking system or lack thereof can go fuck itself) and I was recently given 5 early access codes. Now that shiet's kray! So I was thinking, who better to share it with than friends! But since all my friends already have the game, that leaves me with the awesome Red community! So add me on Steam and I'll send one of these suckers to ya. The thread can serve as a hub for more people to give out their codes, if they want.

Steam ID: FoggyFishburne

Peace and prosperity to you all. Beware the matchmaking if you actually dare step into the realm of MOBA...

Oh and feel free to answer the poll. I'm genuinly curious to how many of us RPG players are into the MOBA games. I'm loving DotA 2, been playing MOBA games since DotA on WC3. Good shit, though DotA 2 has perfected it! I just wish the matchmaking wasn't completely broken. Have I mentioned how much I hate the matchmaking system? Well I hate the matchmaking system. Pure crimson firey passionate hatred! RAWR! Ehem. So, how many of you haven't played a single one, how many are veterans etc?

EDIT: I'm all out of codes. Managed to get 13 by the end of it all.
Only 5? Oh please! You're a lightweight :p
Steam keeps tossing DOTA 2 into my face despite I don't even want it.

What the hell am I suppose to do with them? I got no friends who want it, I don't want them, and it seems like everyone gets them.
Like gawd!

The only MOBA game I sorta enjoyed was LoL. I'm kinda curious to try out the third person one but, I don't know..
Hey if anyone's got a spare it would be much appreciated if you passed one my way.

I only just found this site but im liking it
Hi all, iv wanted to try this game out so if anyone has a spare access code that would be fantastic. Also any tips on this would be greatly appreciated.
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