No Subway in Cyberpunk 2077


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Dunno, for having bought a fucking dull and pricey DLC for TheDivision1 from Ubisoft, whose main selling point is "happens in the subway", I feel not too disappointed by this decision. But I have come late to the hype and did not get to project myself down there.
You have a car/bike and can steal them, there is no need for one (also believe they added fast travel). Why clutter up things with an additional travel mode.

The tracks are still there, so it will probably be visible but not useable.
I'm marginally disappointed, i think i would have loved to take the subway after a long day of "work" to get home and watch as random people pass me by and talk about their day, all while listening to the subway music in the background, could also have been a neat place for some gang graffiti and what not.
I can live without it, but i think it's a missed opportunity.
I just hope this isn't the first of a long list of "cuts" made to the game in order to push it out faster.
long day of "work" to get home and watch as random people pass me by and talk about their day, all while listening to the subway music in the background, could also have been a neat place for some gang graffiti
Heh but it's my everyday life and I do NOT enjoy it!
Damn pleasing everyone is such an ordeal...
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They should've helped Elon Musk create a hyberloop in Cyberpunk 2077 because he can't create it in real life. lol
CD Projeck creates an in-game Elon Musk which has the same name as the real life version but in this game he successfully develops the hyberloop.

Joking aside, that is actually be cool to see and ride in.
I'm marginally disappointed, i think i would have loved to take the subway after a long day of "work" to get home and watch as random people pass me by and talk about their day, all while listening to the subway music in the background, could also have been a neat place for some gang graffiti and what not.
I can live without it, but i think it's a missed opportunity.
I just hope this isn't the first of a long list of "cuts" made to the game in order to push it out faster.

Agreed. I can live without it, but its a huge missed opportunity to show off all of the immersive details they keep promising (and delaying the game for). I really would've loved to recreate the 2018 trailer with my own game play...
My good reasons to take the public transports are :
- there are chances that I don't like the driving in this game, especially motorbikes. If I get angry with my vehicle, I'd better have an option to reach places without being forced to drive. But maybe I'll like driving my car, I don't know !
- still, there are chances that the traffic A.I. is awful, drivers constantly bumping your car, leaving visible damages (or worse) and it's so frustrating to see our car not in perfect condition for more than 5 minutes, having to repair it constantly.
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About the news : I'm really puzzled how come they didn't even designed a few missions where they make use of the public transportations : no subway chase or gunfight, no gangs/hobos/outlaws living under the city ?

Do you think they canceled it or never planned to design a subway route in the first place ? I think they canceled it. But for this or the second assumption it doesn't change my question, just why.

I hope this is a well-thought decision, that it eases the end of development, but that they keep the subways for a future expansion that unlocks all the underground places + subway travel. Please...
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I'm actually fairly disappointed with the removal of subways. Subways matter not primarily as a mode of transportation (driving is almost always faster in a game city with limited traffic), but as a social experience that fits well with the Cyberpunk theme. In subways you get to see people of various walks of life, augmentations, style choices and so on, forced to share a common space for a period of time. It gives the player a real sense of "living in" the city. In a metropolis like New York City a subway can become its own culture, and for sure doubly so in Night City. Sad I won't get to experience this aspect.
I don't think that the public transit was removed as so much as never included.

Programming something like a train is not a non-trivial task on the physics side of things. You need to have a physics map on the inside of the train that is separate from the exterior of the train, while still having a bilatheral influence of inertia. Otherwise the trainride would feel fake.

In a car by contrast, you are sitting down and static. So no physics map is needed. You just need to simulate the car.
I don't think that the public transit was removed as so much as never included.

Programming something like a train is not a non-trivial task on the physics side of things. You need to have a physics map on the inside of the train that is separate from the exterior of the train, while still having a bilatheral influence of inertia. Otherwise the trainride would feel fake.

In a car by contrast, you are sitting down and static. So no physics map is needed. You just need to simulate the car.
(Mafia 2002)
They don’t have an endless amount of resources and man power though. At some point there are some features that might be cool but have to be not worked on in favor of finishing more important parts of the game. They already had to delay the game twice and are crunched for time on bug fixes, if they tried to add everything we (and they I’m sure) want then the game won’t come out til 2022/2023
Yes and now we expect to see a much more dynamic environment in a game. Which makes the programming of a believable train a much harder thing to achieve.
And people in 2020 are also better at doing this than in 2002, when it was already possible and was done, and people in 2020 also have much stronger and faster computers than in 2002.
They don’t have an endless amount of resources and man power though.
This is also true. I hope that CDPR has the chance to really go wild and have lots of fun making dlc for Cyberpunk2077 after the release, without any stress or pressure since the game is already released by then. I'm excited for them, when they really get that chance to create anything they feel like without any time constraints. :)(y)
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