1.7 getting real close?

I hope 2.0 hits at least a few weeks before PL comes out?

They said it will come out before hand, but they also said in their post "No sooner than 90 days" which 90 days from that post would be 10 days before PL, so my guess is that's the day it comes out which gives them 10 days to test and hotfix any issues that come up between 2.0 and PL.

But I want to point out, that saying the new update will be "No sooner than 90 days" doesn't mean it comes out in 90 days so its my guess that they will release on that day to give them the time to patch if needed. BUT as it's only a guess 2.0 could potentially be the same day as PL or anywhere in between especially. if they need to push it to iron out some issues.
"These changes will take effect following the next update to the base game, no earlier than 90 days, and also apply to Phantom Liberty."

This was posted in Jun 11 (June has 30 days in month, July 31, August 31), making it September 11th (cause they are not going to update on weekend) the earliest likely possibility of actually upgrading the game.

This might be useless point but Johnny Silverhand nuked Arasaka Tower in 20th, August 2023. (next Sunday)

So it's possible we might be getting some kind of "explosive news" surrounding that day, or might be nothing, who knows. At least the following week there's GamesCom starting from Wednesday to Friday where the game is likely to get a lot of attention.
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Not surprising, but we're getting a new trailer at gamescom.
Noice. Trailer might be the wrong word though - sounds more like a gameplay sneak-peak? Hopefully it's a lot of footage :beer:

Not interested. Does it make any sense at all that peoplke want to _see_ this rather than _experience_ it for themselves when the game actually arrives?

I want to get into the new game features absolutely cold...I want to have something like the same experience I did when I first played the game neaarly 18 months ago. I _do not_ want to go into it with a mental checklist of the things I know I'm going to see, or even _have seen_ in some extended presentation of spoilers. I do not comprehend this contemporary mania for spoilers and advance revelations. Does nobody appreciate the value of a raw, fresh experience any more?
Not interested. Does it make any sense at all that peoplke want to _see_ this rather than _experience_ it for themselves when the game actually arrives?

I want to get into the new game features absolutely cold...I want to have something like the same experience I did when I first played the game neaarly 18 months ago. I _do not_ want to go into it with a mental checklist of the things I know I'm going to see, or even _have seen_ in some extended presentation of spoilers. I do not comprehend this contemporary mania for spoilers and advance revelations. Does nobody appreciate the value of a raw, fresh experience any more?

No one is forcing you to watch it. :shrug: That's up to you, but they have to market it and get people to buy it. The only way to do that is to show footage.
Maybe after gamescom they drop it? Makes sense to me. I'm sure they want newbies to play the base game with the update before Phantom Liberty drops. A month is enough time to get through it before it drops.
Maybe after gamescom they drop it? Makes sense to me. I'm sure they want newbies to play the base game with the update before Phantom Liberty drops. A month is enough time to get through it before it drops.

Um yeah, that's the idea. It's coming out September 26th.
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Noice. Trailer might be the wrong word though - sounds more like a gameplay sneak-peak? Hopefully it's a lot of footage :beer:

Not interested. Does it make any sense at all that peoplke want to _see_ this rather than _experience_ it for themselves when the game actually arrives?
Don't think anything major is going to be revealed if it's the 1st hour of gameplay.
Could THE patch be dropping next week after the stream? Seems to be their MO so I guess we shall see...if so, on one hand I get to see if my laptop can handle all the changes....on the other hand, all my core mods, man....oof.
Could THE patch be dropping next week after the stream? Seems to be their MO so I guess we shall see...if so, on one hand I get to see if my laptop can handle all the changes....on the other hand, all my core mods, man....oof.

Still seems soon. Remember, it is gamescom week.
Could THE patch be dropping next week after the stream? Seems to be their MO so I guess we shall see...if so, on one hand I get to see if my laptop can handle all the changes....on the other hand, all my core mods, man....oof.

Don't think so. The new requirements are linked to both PL and 1.7/2.0 and they stated on June 11th that those new changes wouldn't come sooner than 90 days from that announcement, so sometime around Sept. 10 at the earliest.
Don't think anything major is going to be revealed if it's the 1st hour of gameplay.
The other day I learned [by accident] that the Attribute level cap was raised to a certain level. I would much rather have discovered that by starting the game and having a 'Whoa!' moment. I don't want anything to reduce the number of Whoa! moments I have in this game.

Look...I saw the first showing of the original Star Wars movie when it came out in my city. Nobody knew _anything_ about it except it was a big, ambitious S-F movie. On the way into the theatre, people were handing out lapel buttons with 'May the Force be with you' on it...I still have mine right here on my desk. I went on to have one of the most exciting movie experiences of my life.

Do you think my experience would have been improved if I had see many minutes of advance footage in a trailer? Basically knew the plot of the story? Had an advance look at Darth Vader? Seen moments of Han Solo being a badass? I am quite certain it would not have been improved. I am also quite certain that very few people have anything like that experience in today's spoileriffic climate. For myself, I'm not interested in _anything_ but playing this game with as fresh a mind as possible. I don't understand why anybody is.
The other day I learned [by accident] that the Attribute level cap was raised to a certain level. I would much rather have discovered that by starting the game and having a 'Whoa!' moment. I don't want anything to reduce the number of Whoa! moments I have in this game.

Look...I saw the first showing of the original Star Wars movie when it came out in my city. Nobody knew _anything_ about it except it was a big, ambitious S-F movie. On the way into the theatre, people were handing out lapel buttons with 'May the Force be with you' on it...I still have mine right here on my desk. I went on to have one of the most exciting movie experiences of my life.

Do you think my experience would have been improved if I had see many minutes of advance footage in a trailer? Basically knew the plot of the story? Had an advance look at Darth Vader? Seen moments of Han Solo being a badass? I am quite certain it would not have been improved. I am also quite certain that very few people have anything like that experience in today's spoileriffic climate. For myself, I'm not interested in _anything_ but playing this game with as fresh a mind as possible. I don't understand why anybody is.

I hear what you're saying and it's perfectly valid to want to avoid spoilers - I often like to enjoy things blind and fresh too - but it sort of sounds like you're anti-trailer? Like @Andrew_Waples said, you don't have to watch them. I'm not sure what kind of "accident" you had to find out about the attribute level cap - that's the kind of information you'd have to be on a certain part of the Internet to find out about. Can I suggest avoiding those places, including this forum until you play the thing yourself?

I do think it's important to have good forum etiquette when discussing spoilers and such - however, I think if one truly wants to go into PL 100% spoiler free, then the safest thing is to completely avoid gaming news, forums like this, subreddits, etc.
I hear what you're saying and it's perfectly valid to want to avoid spoilers - I often like to enjoy things blind and fresh too - but it sort of sounds like you're anti-trailer? Like @Andrew_Waples said, you don't have to watch them. I'm not sure what kind of "accident" you had to find out about the attribute level cap - that's the kind of information you'd have to be on a certain part of the Internet to find out about. Can I suggest avoiding those places, including this forum until you play the thing yourself?

I do think it's important to have good forum etiquette when discussing spoilers and such - however, I think if one truly wants to go into PL 100% spoiler free, then the safest thing is to completely avoid gaming news, forums like this, subreddits, etc.

The Level Cap thing was an offhand comment on what I thought was a relatively safe YouTube video. It's certainly not that big a deal, but as I say, I would rather encounter it in the game than hear about it. People just can't help themselves sometimes. I already ignore videos and commentary from YouTubers I like a lot. Am I anti-trailer? Maybe to a degree...I am far from alone in saying 'now I don't need to see the movie' after a 90-second trailer gives us far more than we need to see of actual content and plot points. And then there's the reviewers doing 'non-spoiler' reviews that say things like 'Now, I won't spoil the big twist at the end...'. Yeah, thanks for nothing.

I will still contend that people ['young people'...'cause I'm pretty old] have lost the opportunity to be amazed and delighted buy some new production because of the relentless push of promos, spoilers and advance discussion and comment by studios and 'content creators' desperate for dollars and clicks.
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