Anything been said on "Legendary" rarity cyber implant weapons?

Mark Specifical 4 minute 31 seconds
I really hope rarities doesn't also mean they're level-locking gear like they did in TW3. Nothing worse than going out of your way, challenging yourself by fighting higher level enemies, and getting a "reward" you can't use for another 20 hours of gameplay.
Well one thing that Pawel said who works on the guns of CP
Is that some of the more rarer legendary weapons will be bound to in game characters
Essentially you will have to make a choice will you kill someone to get their weapon/armor or leave them alive because you like them as a character.

I feel this aspect gives a lot of depth to the whole loot system.
Perhaps you see someone with a weapon you like and are like " I want that " and you can actually get it.

It wont be like skyrim where the enemies drop all the items they are wearing though so it will be closer to Witcher I imagine.
That's really cool
There is apparently a tech perk that is needed in order to craft the legendary mods/items yourself, we've learned that so far.
If that's true, I love that. This way I can just make all my own best gear the way I want. :D
I really hope rarities doesn't also mean they're level-locking gear like they did in TW3. Nothing worse than going out of your way, challenging yourself by fighting higher level enemies, and getting a "reward" you can't use for another 20 hours of gameplay.
Yea I like it when I can just use whatever I find.
This video perfectly jokes about this. :ROFLMAO:
Can we PLEASE avoid this very common nightmare trend in games! I hope it wont be like this! I love Caleb City, he really understands!
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Is it just me or are some weapons OP? I crafted an SMG and mods and the dam is over 1300 on a SMART GUN! Also, my armour mods are OP too with a rating over 2500.


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