best voice acting of all time?

I just finished Tomb Raider (trilogy), and it underline my "possible" problem with the vast majority of games (in French at least) :(
The "best" moment in my point of view, in the whole trilogy was the moment where there almost no dialogue lines...
Such a great moment :sad:
Lara think that Jonah is dead...
It's exactly the same in Mass Effect, where the best moment for me, it's on Rannoch with Tali (almost no dialogue lines).
But when there are dialogue lines, generally that's fall in flat due to the voice acting in french... Either Studios didn't "make" an effort to provide a "good" translation, either they don't provide enough details to voice actors for make them great. I don't know :(

If I take as example, Claire when she want to kill Samson, you don't really need to "look" the scene to feel the emotions in her voice. So yeah, CDPR have done an awesome job for Cyberpunk, that's for sure :)
I'm torn between RDR2 and Soul Reaver 1 and 2 for best voice acting. Both games are acted near to perfection. Cyberpunk is a step up for CDPR in terms of the emotion actors display. Especially Judy and Evelyn's actresses. The Witcher 3 had good sounding voices, but emotionally it was pretty bland. Triss' actress steals the show as the only one who... emotes while delivering her dialogue. It's fine for Geralt to be emotionally stunted, of course, but... everyone? Lugos was also really good.

Same with Skyrim - the voices sound good, but to my memory, the acting was bland. It was passable, but devoid of emotion.

In Cyberpunk my only issue is how... unimpressed people sound when you ram your car into theirs. They sound almost sarcastic when you cause a traffic accident.
TLOU2 and RDR2 are the best ever, then any rockstar game was pretty much the best in its year. The power of money :LOL:

Cp77 is definitely very good, I just didn't like Keanu and his usual monotone acting, but you know, he's Keanu...
Difficult to said RDR2 is the best, when even with "Power Of Money" you only have subtitles in other languages than english...
Like if Cyberpunk was only in polish with subtitles for all other languages, it could be difficult to said it's "good" if you're not polish or speak it well at least :)
I would say one of the best ones is the original BioShock.
CP2077 definitelly has very good voice acting and audio overall for an open world game though and both Vs are really great. It's also nice that they didn't recycle the same couple voice actors for NPCs like so many Bethesda games. I don't mind if secondary NPCs share voice actors but it's always nice if the key characters have unique voices.
Difficult to said RDR2 is the best, when even with "Power Of Money" you only have subtitles in other languages than english...
Like if Cyberpunk was only in polish with subtitles for all other languages, it could be difficult to said it's "good" if you're not polish or speak it well at least :)
I'm not sure if this post is on the original version of VA or including other countries versions aswell
Difficult to said RDR2 is the best, when even with "Power Of Money" you only have subtitles in other languages than english...
Like if Cyberpunk was only in polish with subtitles for all other languages, it could be difficult to said it's "good" if you're not polish or speak it well at least :)
I was talking about English VO, I couldn't care less of other languages (no, I'm not native in English). Otherwise it's like judging an actor's performance based on the voice over in other languages. The guy who dubs Keanu in French may be a glorious actor (or terrible) but that doesn't affect keanu's performance, which is "the official voice over of cp77".
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