[Bug?] No XP on quest completion "Fool on the hill"?

Hello, dear developers,

is there no experience points for the only(?), "very exhausting":sneaky: coilective quest (Find Tarot Cards) after completion at Misty?
Is that the way it is intended?
Play on PC with mouse and keyboard.

Best regards
Aww man.. I literally just found the last one and am about to go to Misty, But Mr's Hands mission was in the same place so after. Also there are 2 more cards to collect that I didn't read the "how" as to not spoil it but maybe then?
Maybe, but the quest is definitely completed for me.
A follow-up quest should then be started with your assumption (missing cards), right?
Well I just know there are 2 more for the whole collection there are 2 missing and I stopped reading about the details
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