During the Gig: A Lack Of Empathy, there are numerous issues regarding stealth and NPC scripts.
Opening a door breaks stealth;
Drunk Ogre plays out his scripted pathing twice & breaks stealth as well;
Knockout quickhacks do not work on the drunk Ogre whatsoever;
- Opening the door leading to the backstage immediately triggers combat & fails the stealth objective
- The two enemies on the ground floor can't be stealthily taken out because they also immediately trigger combat and fail the stealth objective
- The drunk Ogre at the bar triggers his scripted pathing twice. Meaning he'll walk to the bathroom stall, then reset and go back to his original spot, only to then properly follow his scripted pathing again.
- Stealth knockout quickhacks also do not work whatsoever on him
Opening a door breaks stealth;
Drunk Ogre plays out his scripted pathing twice & breaks stealth as well;
Knockout quickhacks do not work on the drunk Ogre whatsoever;
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