[Bug: Steam] Can't complete quest "Automatic Love" [Solved]

I already mailed the save files and the problem description to the technical support.
But, perhaps someone had the same issue and can help me out in the meantime.

I'm in Woodman's office in the Clouds, done talking.
He said that I should take the elevator out.
Then the progress halts as I can't leave the
building or get my weapons back from the reception.
Quest log doesn't show anything either.

I tried reloading and replaying several times, but no dice.

Has anyone experienced the same and got out somehow?

Edit 1/3
I solved it, by choosing another approach to the quest:
namely by withholding the promised security information from him.
He got provoked, I dealt with him, and his dead correctly triggered the
quest progress.

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after alternatively killing Woodman another bug emerged: despite the quest progressing, the game locked the doors and I can't leave Woodman's office... oof...

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ok, got around that bug too, by opening a side door as an additional escape route, with my, luckily high enough, technical skill before the fight with him... man...
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