[BUG?] Weird behaviour of some Skellige cards

[BUG?] Weird behaviour of some Skellige cards

So here are a couple of bugs I've encountered while playing Skellige discard deck:

Clan Dimun Pirate Captain gains no strength when you play Ermion and discard newly accuired cards. Only cards that you already had in your hand trigger the ability when discarded.

Clan Dimun Pirate Captain gained only 6 strength when Birna Bran was played (should be 9).

Clan Dimun Pirate Captain gains only 3 strength when you play Clan Dimun Pirate if you discarded a copy of Clan Dimun Pirate before round one (obviously you don't want to have 2). Could be intentional but it looks like the Clan Dimun Prirate that you discard goes neither to your graveyard nor back into your deck, it just vanishes.

War Longship's ability triggers only once when you play Birna Bran and your opponent has only one card on board. It looks like it can't wound the same unit more than once. If this is intentional it should be stated in card description. Though I doubt it is.

Edit: Turned out I can't read, sorry.

Though there's still one thing not related to Clan Dimun Prirates and Captains:

Clan Tuirseach Axeman's ability activates when you use Dimeritium Bomb to debuff them. I think it works every time a unit goes down in strength right now where it should be every time it goes down into red numbers. So 2 Axmen will get 4 strength each when you try to debuff them with D-bomb.
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Most of the Clan Dimun Pirate Captain related things are probably owed to the fact that you discarded both units and special cards. Their ability only counts for discarded unit cards. So playing Birna Bran is by no means a guarantee for the Captains to go up to 9. Same thing with the War Longships' wounding ability.

I don't really know what you mean regarding the Clan Dimun Pirate interaction with the Captains. You can't discard a card before round one, you can only mulligan it away and put it back in your deck. When I play a Dimun Pirate with a Captain already on board, it'll go up to 7 every time, including when I mulligan one Pirate away before the game. Are you sure you've got three Pirates in your deck?
FreezingSun;n7008080 said:
Most of the Clan Dimun Pirate Captain related things are probably owed to the fact that you discarded both units and special cards. Their ability only counts for discarded unit cards. So playing Birna Bran is by no means a guarantee for the Captains to go up to 9. Same thing with the War Longships' wounding ability.

I don't really know what you mean regarding the Clan Dimun Pirate interaction with the Captains. You can't discard a card before round one, you can only mulligan it away and put it back in your deck. When I play a Dimun Pirate with a Captain already on board, it'll go up to 7 every time, including when I mulligan one Pirate away before the game. Are you sure you've got three Pirates in your deck?

Damn, now I look like a fool, lol.

At least Axeman case is certain. D-bomb doesn't reset it back to original value as it should.

Axeman is working properly, it's the young berserker that aren't (and I made a post about it in the other part of the board) working as they're supposed to. Axemen's ability triggers every times someone loses strength. Not simply when the final number after the loss is in the red (below original strength). Compares the text for the card with the young berserker's text. Young berserker clearly precise that it's only when it goes below the original strength, whereas axeman does not.

BTW right now young berserker is triggering the exact same way as the axeman, and he shouldn't. Either the card text is incorrect for the young berserker or the unit is bugged. Currently a dimeritum bomb on a buffed Young berserker triggers the transformation, for example.
Zefyris;n7008430 said:
Axeman is working properly, it's the young berserker that aren't (and I made a post about it in the other part of the board) working as they're supposed to. Axemen's ability triggers every times someone loses strength. Not simply when the final number after the loss is in the red (below original strength). Compares the text for the card with the young berserker's text. Young berserker clearly precise that it's only when it goes below the original strength, whereas axeman does not.

BTW right now young berserker is triggering the exact same way as the axeman, and he shouldn't. Either the card text is incorrect for the young berserker or the unit is bugged. Currently a dimeritum bomb on a buffed Young berserker triggers the transformation, for example.

Axeman's ability states "weakened or destroyed", Warcry for example also says "weakened" but that one only works with "red" strength. Also when you use D-Bomb you expect it to do what it says - set card's strength to its original value. I was surprised to see 2 Axemen that had +8 buffed strength each to lose only 4.

As for young berserker, I think their second form needs to be 8 strength, they can be removed easily in their original form, they have to be activated and they don't go up in strength unless you activate them on round one. Light Longship for example is 7/8/9 strength and Clan Dimun Pirate is 6/7/8 with ability to thin out your deck.
Weakened means losing strength if it's a 10 and go back at 2 due to the dbomb, it was weakened of 8 points. Seems like they changed the text for both young berserker and axeman with the patch btw, just checked and they're now both written like that. So there's no longer the problem I pointed out in the previous patch, it was corrected without mention in the patch note.
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