Character Appearance Thread

There is no facial customisation.

If they had a normal character creator, they would have showcased it during presentation. The game is already more than halfway to being finished and CC is quite a substantial part of any game, so it would have been done by now.

Also, if CC was present, CDPR would have stepped in already to clear the rumours. The fact that they didn't yet clarify, basically confirms there is no in-depth CC.
Source for that, please?

They haven't commented on many other elements of the game so far and it in no way means that they don't exist.
It's most likely been in pre-production since around 2013. Full on production began after Witcher release in late 2015. Development cycle for open-world action-rpgs on average takes around 4-5 years. Plus they already showed working prototype, so it means the engine and core gameplay are already done. Longer development cycle means more expenses so it's not in their interest to take more than 2 years from now to release it.

Also it's all my unsourced speculation so probably means fuckall, but speculation is what we mostly do here, right?
So yeah the character's apperance should affect the world around them if she a women maybe some characters will try to hit on her and see if they can get a date. Where if you a guys maybe some of the women will act different because you are a male. But this doesn't mean the world will only change the gender but overall apperance so if you are a guy with long beard and dirty clothes th people should act different like in the real world.

This should go into how you make your character then the character creator should be detailed because the way look is just as important as what you do.
It's most likely been in pre-production since around 2013. Full on production began after Witcher release in late 2015. Development cycle for open-world action-rpgs on average takes around 4-5 years. Plus they already showed working prototype, so it means the engine and core gameplay are already done. Longer development cycle means more expenses so it's not in their interest to take more than 2 years from now to release it.

Also it's all my unsourced speculation so probably means fuckall, but speculation is what we mostly do here, right?
Lol no, the facial structure customization was probably simply not ready. And you dont know about the game being halfway done lol
Could you link to the relevant part?

Basically, the video is important at the beginning around the 5-15m mark, It talks about how other roles will be predominately featured in the life path system. Which would make sense for the notion of "subclass" i wouldn't be surprised either if it came with it's own unique perks and situations where you can use that type of background, say son/daughter of a corporate. In dialogue.

Another part was interesting towards the end about empathy, it went on about if empathy isn't a core stat what would happen to the social skills from the original table top game. Will social skills be part of the game? I don't know, but it's worth discussing.
I'm getting the impression that while social skills may be important they're not really linking them to character stats/skills. It seems to be more of which option do you choose during dialog.
I'm betting we get at LEAST one social skill in the game. They need something to replace the Axii dialogue options from TW3, and with any luck, it will be expanded upon a bit more.

But yeah, personally, I'm expecting at least one social skill that, as you progress it (and possible fail early checks a la Kingdom Come: Deliverance), unlocks additional dialogue options.
At this point I'm not expecting ... I'm hoping.

Yeah, that's fine. I'm a bit more optimistic given that recent tweet, though. PRior to that, I was pretty much in your camp. But knowing that skills are actually in the game lends itself to some sort of social stuff quite well.

I guess we'll wait and see whose right, hopefully sooner rather than later. Gamescom is coming up and maybe a slightly tweaked demo will shed more light on the situation.
I really would like to see what are the "body types" the developer said in the preview that there'll be in CC.
I still think sliders are the way to go, but having body options at least is fine, so my character doesn't have the same body as all npc's like the women in The Witcher 3 or MHW.
After seeing that taxi driver in the concept art, I want my male V to be a chipped-in Sikh with a turban :cool:


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they could put both on the cover , and even have a trailer for each (Assassin Creed odyssey released a trailer for Kassandra and Alexios) .

But both on the cover would be nice .

I would have loved a femshep and maleshep for Mass effect .

After watching the demo one thing I noticed is how all the females in the game have a similar body type. I hope that when the final game comes out and we explore night city that we will see more woman with different types of bodies. And I also hope in the character creator we can give female V a more fit build. I'm not saying I want her to look like a guy, but some Ab's would be pretty cool, I know they are still deep in development so this is more just feedback and concerns.
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