CP 2013/2020 was prophetic!

Of course Arasaka Saburo's plan had always been to "restore Japan to its pre WWII Imperial glory" with Arasaka at the head.Everything else was just a means to an end.

True, true. I loved that shot of him sitting in a Zero as a young man. So...ominous.

And Japan was greatly restored, albeit not to pre WW2 days. In some ways, Arasaka the multinational's success ran away with it, and Saburo's dreams.
As long as Japan can keep it's imports of raw materials going, via force pre WW II, or commerce via Arasaka, it's definitely a powerhouse of a nation.
But I understand that recently many in Japan feel they've become too westernized. Employees are starting actually expect things like less then a 12-hour work day, vacations, and more then subsistence level wages for the working class.
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