Cultists are not even top tier!

Just got back to pro after few days of farming - already getting flashbacks of some nonsense that made me quit for 6 months.

How do I counter 20-30 points bronzes every turn? Sometimes even 70-100 in longer rounds.

I saw this circus reach 500 points. I don't think I ever won a game against netdecker with default NG skin and cardback using cultists.

Only Mastercrafted Spear will help. And if globally, then it is necessary to change the ability of the Scenario (Whenever you play a Cultist, boost self by 1, then increase this value by 1 if it was a bronze gold").
Oh, you just have to have the ability to immediately remove about 7 cards, including one on your side of the board. That will cut down the deck point output by about half, lmao. It's fine.
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Forum veteran
I sense irony :coolstory:

I did not encounter them even once from rank 9 to pro. I was sure they were nerfed, and was quite happy with state of the game...
They were never nerfed.. even more OP crap was present which was nerfed a bit so the next in line will take the spot.
Unfortunately, I think we are seeing the consequence of too much power creep for too long. Six points per turn of (direct or indirect) engine value has become normal, and substantial tools for handling it (removal) is essential.

At least absurd removal handles cultists. I don’t know what to do against waylay or carcass spam.


Forum veteran
Unfortunately, I think we are seeing the consequence of too much power creep for too long. Six points per turn of (direct or indirect) engine value has become normal, and substantial tools for handling it (removal) is essential.

At least absurd removal handles cultists. I don’t know what to do against waylay or carcass spam.
Such relentless complaints about Waylay.. I haven't faced a single game against DeadEye Ambush and/or Vandain Waylay decks. You mean the pre-heist or post heist. I am sure you would have realised by now that heist is just a passing meme card. Are you personally facing a lot of waylay decks? How many of them are normal Waylay (4 waylays) or Heist Waylays who manage to pull 6+ waylays? Are you actually losing to those decks? I am not going to simply ditch your answers. I seriously genuinely trying to understand how/why you manage to talk about this Waylay problem - a deck which is not nearly as strong as Tier 3 decks.

A single Squirrel banishing a waylay on normal waylay deck reduces 25% of their big-final-play. If you face them too often, you can use Xavier. Removing 2 of them actually makes the deck dead. I face soooo many SKs in this season (from Rank 3 to Rank 1) and Sove almost effortlessly (definitely much much less efforts thank pulling 4+ waylays) and play for a casual non-removable 20+ points. Do you really think waylays are worse than the Sove deck?
My main argument here is not so much about particular decks as it is that excessive engine value (which can only be stopped by excessive removal) or excess uninteractive value (which cannot be stopped at all) is harmful to the game. I don’t mean to imply that other powerful, uninteractive cards (like Sove, Tibor, Heist, Truffle, Conjurer’s Candle, Scenarios, etc.) are not just as bad.

But, if I am honest, with the exception of Tibor spam, it is the Waylay decks that bother me most. I think that’s because, when they draw well (which isn’t frequent), only very specific types of opppsing decks have a chance: decks able to remove Vanadain (especially in case of Heist), then able to win round one and bleed round two (to split elf synergy), and then enough points (after engines are destroyed by Waylays) to beat 7 deadeyes followed by a 19 point Vernossiel.

At least Sove does not destroy my engine value (although most Sove decks do that with other cards) and is vulnerable to untargeted tall removal.

Finally, since I only played unranked and selected seasonal modes, I realize that what I encounter will not be representative of ladder. I really don’t know how frequently different meta decks are encountered, how I fare against them, or even how different meta decks fare against one another. I don’t want to claim that Waylay decks are worse than Sove decks; I don’t know that. I will say that the Vanadain/Waylay/Simlas combo, with all the successive Deadeye Synergies is no fun. And while I would not point at Sove with this objection, the excessive SK removal enabled by Highland Warlords is really no better — I’ve just seen less of it.
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My main argument here is not so much about particular decks as it is that excessive engine value (which can only be stopped by excessive removal) or excess uninteractive value (which cannot be stopped at all) is harmful to the game. I don’t mean to imply that other powerful, uninteractive cards (like Sove, Tibor, Heist, Truffle, Conjurer’s Candle, Scenarios, etc.) are not just as bad.

But, if I am honest, with the exception of Tibor spam, it is the Waylay decks that bother me most. I think that’s because, when they draw well (which isn’t frequent), only very specific types of opppsing decks have a chance: decks able to remove Vanadain (especially in case of Heist), then able to win round one and bleed round two (to split elf synergy), and then enough points (after engines are destroyed by Waylays) to beat 7 deadeyes followed by a 19 point Vernossiel.

At least Sove does not destroy my engine value (although most Sove decks do that with other cards) and is vulnerable to untargeted tall removal.

Finally, since I only played unranked and selected seasonal modes, I realize that what I encounter will not be representative of ladder. I really don’t know how frequently different meta decks are encountered, how I fare against them, or even how different meta decks fare against one another. I don’t want to claim that Waylay decks are worse than Sove decks; I don’t know that. I will say that the Vanadain/Waylay/Simlas combo, with all the successive Deadeye Synergies is no fun. And while I would not point at Sove with this objection, the excessive SK removal enabled by Highland Warlords is really no better — I’ve just seen less of it.
But Waylay spam have much smaller celling compared to Cultist spam. So, for me Cultist are greater problem than Waylay spam.
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