Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty arrives on September 26th!

I would like to raise two points.

The first is that I really welcome that the story premise and character introductions are prewritten on the CP page. It makes it easier for me to understand the general idea and hopefully will ease orientation in complex scenes (with timed dialogues) and so on...
And the stream too, I just found out about the stream!

And the second point is a question or a request.
Will there be a setting (ideally a slider) which will allow reducing the amount or intensity of flashing lights - basically an anti-epilepsy setting?
I would like to protect my eyes and brain anyway.

Thank you :)
I hope the expansion is good, nice to see CDPR trying to fix up some of the game's systems before moving on.

Something-something don't pre-order - it's bad for every customer including the people pre-ordering, not to mention that every single pre-order makes me very sad and you wouldn't want that, would you now?

On a similar note, I remember when CDPR itself insisted that pre-order incentives are silly, confusing and anti-consumer (particularly store-exclusive ones), and that the quality of the games should be enough, but I guess things change :shrug:
More to the point, I remember how with the Witcher games the DLC was included with the original purchase (particularly when you preordered the game directly from CDPR). Why is there a second purchase required to get the complete game we were originally promised?
Does preordering actually offer any advantages? Or is it purely based on hype and hope?

If it's the same as the main game release you can pre-download most of it, then when it's released you simply download a final small file to unlock it. The advantage being that you're playing more or less as soon as it's released if there's no server issues, etc.
More to the point, I remember how with the Witcher games the DLC was included with the original purchase (particularly when you preordered the game directly from CDPR). Why is there a second purchase required to get the complete game we were originally promised?

I won't get into what was promised or not, that's been debated enough already but you don't need to from what I'm understanding.

The largest part of the changes are going to be added through the update which will be available on the base game. PL is just more content and, possibly, a different ending.
Awesome trailer and even more impressive list of improvements and tweaks. Looks like CP2077 will be getting Enhanced Edition, too. :cool:
Not so excited about courier quests, though, but I guess stealing cars is the least offensive way I can imagine of implementing radiant quests. It's probably more fun way of making money than collecting and selling loot, anyway... :shrug:
Yeah. Guessing my post may have been what got your attention on this - I'm not a fan of radiant quests themselves, I just copied the whole blurb around them retro-fitting the Virtual Car Dealer mod. It doesn't sound terrible here, it may be even pretty fun. Allegedly Wakako runs the website, which is still odd but much better than what was there before. I'm assuming they still want the player to feel progression when it comes to acquiring cars - maybe we get some kind of lore reinforcing why V buys cars from this place rather than a dealer.
More to the point, I remember how with the Witcher games the DLC was included with the original purchase (particularly when you preordered the game directly from CDPR). Why is there a second purchase required to get the complete game we were originally promised?
Phantom Liberty is an expansion, not a DLC. You can find the list of free DLCs here: (they were included in patches).
More to the point, I remember how with the Witcher games the DLC was included with the original purchase (particularly when you preordered the game directly from CDPR).
There has been plenty of DLC already - apartments, weapons, gigs, at least one vehicle systems. None of those things really interested me given my feelings toward the game at the time, but they're still there, they're of good quality, and they're still what they are.

Why is there a second purchase required to get the complete game we were originally promised?
Well... I get you. I posted before I'm a little displeased considering I come from the TTRPG side of this so I do feel it's like getting a large part of the world separately. That said - it's big damn game, man. At the risk of sounding like I'm not on the side of gamers; Do we really expect games to just continue to get larger, more detailed, with deeper stories, more gameplay options, and so on, without any associated costs? It's more than likely worth the price to me, but it's still on them to sell the expansion to me. If you're not into it, don't buy it.
Phantom Liberty is an expansion, not a DLC. You can find the list of free DLCs here: (they were included in patches).
Uhm without offense but every expansion theses days per definition is a dlc as well. Since DLC just stands for downloadable content which expansions are as well. Tho it doesn’t matter how big it is or if it cost money/is free. Both terms generally means the same.

Companies are just used to use it in different ways while there is actually no difference in terms of both definitions. : /
Uhm without offense but every expansion theses days per definition is a dlc as well. Since DLC just stands for downloadable content which expansions are as well. Tho it doesn’t matter how big it is or if it cost money/is free. Both terms generally means the same.

Companies are just used to use it in different ways while there is actually no difference in terms of both definitions. : /

You're not wrong but hard disagree on both terms generally meaning the same. I don't think you'll find many people out there who don't draw a clear distinction between the two terms. The expectations are just not the same when a company says DLC and when it says expansion pack. Both in terms of content and in terms of price.
Uhm without offense but every expansion theses days per definition is a dlc as well. Since DLC just stands for downloadable content which expansions are as well. Tho it doesn’t matter how big it is or if it cost money/is free. Both terms generally means the same.

Companies are just used to use it in different ways while there is actually no difference in terms of both definitions. : /

CDPR has used these terms separate from one another for as long as I can remember. And yes the expansion is techincally 'DLC'. But if it helps you - think of it as the paid DLC portion of game enhancement.

As for why you have to pay for it... it's likely to be a 10-25 main story, with way more side content, a whole new area and a whole new cast of characters. It isn't free because it took three years for them to make it and likely tens of millions of dollars. If The Witcher 3 expansions are anything to go by - the expansion will likely be the size of or bigger than some stand alone AAA titles.
You're not wrong but hard disagree on both terms generally meaning the same. I don't think you'll find many people out there who don't draw a clear distinction between the two terms. The expectations are just not the same when a company says DLC and when it says expansion pack. Both in terms of content and in terms of price.
True wont argue that regarding the expectations but the wording „expansions are no DLCs is just not right“ : /
Post automatically merged:

CDPR has used these terms separate from one another for as long as I can remember. And yes the expansion is techincally 'DLC'. But if it helps you - think of it as the paid DLC portion of game enhancement.

As for why you have to pay for it... it's likely to be a 10-25 main story, with way more side content, a whole new area and a whole new cast of characters. It isn't free because it took three years for them to make it and likely tens of millions of dollars. If The Witcher 3 expansions are anything to go by - the expansion will likely be the size of or bigger than some stand alone AAA titles.
Yeah many companies do. I was just talking about the technical wording here :)
Uhm without offense but every expansion theses days per definition is a dlc as well. Since DLC just stands for downloadable content which expansions are as well. Tho it doesn’t matter how big it is or if it cost money/is free. Both terms generally means the same.

Companies are just used to use it in different ways while there is actually no difference in terms of both definitions. : /
No offense taken :)

We always used those terms separately. When we refer to DLCs, we mean small add-ons, like the ones on the website I posted, or the free DLCs we had for The Witcher 3.

When we refer to big expansions, like Phantom Liberty for Cyberpunk 2077, or Blood and Wine / Hearts of Stone for The Witcher 3, we call them "Expansions".

I understand that definitions are vague enough that they may put the equal sign between DLC and Expansion, but dictionary definitions are not everything. Context matters, and the context is as above - when we talk about DLCs and Expansions, we talk about two different things.
Unless the marketing group has gone off the rails (again), this expansion looks like everything I was hoping it would be. In either event, I'll definitely buy it. Pretty excited, but also waiting for more info.
From what I've heard everything sounds amazing... except the changes to the way "Cyberpsychosis" is handled.

Honestly if Phantom Liberty does end up adding back in the contrived and frankly offensive "Cyberpsychosis" system from the now archaic and outdated sourcebook I'm probably not going to be playing.

Because, frankly, the implication that someone "loses humanity" every time they replace/add to their flesh is such sophomoric philosophy. And, like, ignores the thousands and thousands of people IRL who have artificial limbs, pacemakers, and other life-saving/enhancing body modifications/prothesis.

I truly hope it's something more akin to Interface Zero's "Strain" system and not Cyberpunk's "You'll go crraaaaAAaaazy if you get artificial eyes and limbs and no longer be human!" system.

But who knows, maybe CDPR is just hoping it will rope some old "fans" who are only into cyberpunk for the aesthetic into buying the DLC/Game and not the, you know, people who actually care about sociopolitical and economic issues cyberpunk is supposed to be about.
This is a bit much. It's a game, by your logic using guns in the game is offensive to anyone who's lost someone to gun violence. I'n sure there are more valid critiques you could levy at the devs. That is not it
Not sure if other Dev interviews published, but on the Japanese side, we have an interview with Yuki Nishio, Japan Localization Manager at CDPR, about Phantom Liberty, which is a good read. So I’ll share it with you guys.

Q: What is the estimated playing time on PL?

A: That depends on the player and his/her play style. It's difficult to give you an indicative play time because Phantom Liberty includes not only the main story, but also a wide range of systems, side quests, and random elements that affect the entirety of the base game.

Q: Due to the limited time available, we were unable to dig deeper, but the skill tree has been changed and new skill categories have been added. Will the game-feel change significantly?

A: I think the core of the gameplay won’t change. With this update, the number of perks has been reduced from the original version, which was too complex. So we reviewed and reorganized this structure (like skills and perks), which will allow gamers more intuitive characters build.
As for the game feel, yes, it will change in a rather positive way. I don't know if you have experienced this yet (since you were playing as a netrunner), but melee combat has actually been enhanced as well.
Blade weapons like katanas were not good at fighting at long range before, but in Phantom Liberty, you have perks such as repelling bullets to hit the opponent directly. There are also new elements that make the game more enjoyable, such as the ability to close the gap with a strong attack or to dash in the air. But don’t get me wrong. I don’t mean that the game feel will be drastically different. Hacking was too powerful before, so other fighting approaches became rather difficult, which become more interesting with this update. Personally, I find it quite enjoyable to play melee combat. The play styles are more defined and the combinations are more fun and easier to experiment with. I’ll recommend that you create a new character and have fun with it.

Q: How about weaponized vehicles?

A: In the base game, vehicle combat used to be more of an event in quests, but now it is more casual and makes car chases more exciting. The “Barguest” forces in Dogtown and NCPD may attack while riding in a vehicle, or you can even utilize it more aggressively in battle, such as driving into strongholds with vehicles. Regarding the vehicles, there are also an unlimited number of delivery missions throughout NC, such as “Vehicle Delivery” and “Dropped Supplies”

Q: The main storyline of Phantom Liberty is fascinating. Although this was only the beginning of the story we played, the character descriptions and direction were outstanding.

A: The theme of Phantom Liberty is a spy thriller. After the flashy action at the beginning (you saw), the storyline goes quite complex and profound. There are political and power struggles; "who betrayed the NUSA president and put her in a difficult position” and "the intentions of Hansen, the ruler of Dogtown”. Those are just beginning and V is asked what (s)he should do?
Who do you trust? Whose side should you take? This is where the story of PL will take on a greater significance. Just as “choice and consequence" was a major theme in the main story of the base game, the outcome of PL will change depending on the choices made by the players. You will face a storyline filled with detailed and meaningful choices, which unfolds in a variety of ways depending on you. On top of that, we added the ending of the base game itself based on the choices you made in Phantom Liberty. I hope you will play PL over and over again and enjoy the variety of choices.

Q: All the new characters I saw are fascinating. Who is your favorite?

A: It’s hard to say, but I like President Myers. She is very dependable. Myers is a “politician who can fight.” I’m not talking about her political philosophy, just she's physically strong. A politician but a former military officer from the Marines; this kind of character rarely happens to be seen in any video game, right? Her strength can be seen in her lines, but at the same time, she also shows her unstable and weak side due to the predicaments she faced. This is also fascinating.
I won’t deny that Solomon Reed is my favorite too. He is an agent who has been hiding in Night City and is Myers' ace up her sleeve. Like Songbird, each character has a hidden past and their own agenda. The character descriptions are rich and everyone is fascinating.

Q: Tell me about Dogtown. Are there various places of interest?

A: Dogtown is an area isolated by walls. It gets its electricity from crashed airplanes and has a different lifestyle and standards than other areas. It’s a dangerous place where normal people cannot go near, but a unique society in there. It is currently controlled by Colonel Hansen and his military-colored force, the Burguest. We call Dogtown "another city within a city”.
The black market is located in the stadium and is one of the most iconic and prominent places, Shady business is rampant in the back alley. Of course, there are many other subdivisions in Dogtown, which can be said that it is a very different place compared to NC and a place where people flee to when they can no longer stay in NC for whatever reason. Currently, Hansen rules the roost, but it's also true that there's a certain kind of freedom that can only be found in Dogtown.
Compared to the Corp Plaza and other areas, it is a poor district and supplies are limited, but the residents have created their own society and ecosystem to survive. Look around Dogtown, and you will get a sense of the uniqueness of this area. A lot of lore about Dogtown is to be found in various readings and conversations, and I encourage you to play and experience why Dogtown is the way it is.
V will be running around all parts of Dogtown and will also confront its history of it, which will be explored not only in the main quest but also in the side quest. Hope you’ll enjoy Dogtown, it's a really special area.

Q: What kind of thoughts did the development team have that led to this expansion pack, which has one region and a dense drama at its core?

A: I think the main motivation was “We want to do a spy thriller!” We wanted to retain the "cyberpunk" theme of the base game and try something new, and "spy thriller" became the core of the process. Also, I can't say much at this point, but the main scenario of PL is a condensed version of the "choice and consequences" elements of the main story of the base game.
As we have already announced, Phantom Liberty is the only expansion pack for Cyberpunk 2077, and we do not plan to release such a huge addition in the future. We will of course continue to balance and update the game, but Phantom Liberty will be the first and last expansion pack of Cyberpunk2077, and we will focus on developing a new cyberpunk game codenamed "Orion" in the future.
So, I believe that Phantom Liberty is the culmination of Cyberpunk2077. The story, and the flow of conversation ……., those are the biggest factor for me as a JP localization manager, so I had the feeling that we have reached a certain level, like “We’ve come this far”.
Based on the theme of "what is cyberpunk" in the base game, Phantom Liberty is challenging something new. That’s why we are confident in the story this time again.
Interested by that :)
On top of that, we added the ending of the base game itself based on the choices you made in Phantom Liberty
It mean a new ending, or existing ending(s) will be affected by Phantom Liberty choice?
I can't wait to see that! :giggle:

Phantom Liberty, a spy-thriller expansion for Cyberpunk 2077, arrives on September 26th on Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 5, and PC!

Return as cyber-enhanced mercenary V and embark on a high-stakes mission of espionage and intrigue to save the NUSA President. In the dangerous district of Dogtown, you must forge alliances within a web of shattered loyalties and sinister political machinations. Do you have what it takes to survive?

Learn more about the game:

I really don't understand how this will goes? This new features and mechanics goes to game-base without this DLC or only for Phantom City owners?
Please don't burn Idris person like do you do to Keanu Reeves worth unfinished game. Promise please.
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