"Deck Verified" checkmark has next to nothing to do with overall performance. "Performs well on Deck" means as little as "default graphical settings will be adjusted to Deck hardware". It doesn't matter if the lowest possible settings of the game won't give you solid 30fps, as long as the game is doing everything it can to enable you to play.
I own Steam Deck, and I really like the device. I have a special rule when it comes to my Deck: I don't play anything that can't achieve 60fps. My library so far:
-- Alan Wake
-- Alien Isolation
-- Bioshock Remastered
-- Bioshock Infinite
-- Cult of the Lamb
-- Dead Space 2008
-- Deus Ex Human Revolution
-- Dishonored
-- Dirt Rally
-- Disney Afternoon Collection
-- Enslaved Odyssey to the West
-- Half Life 2 plus episodes
-- Halo Master Chief Edition
-- Lego City Undercover
-- Mad Max
-- MGS V Phantom Pain
-- Moonlighter
-- Ni No Kuni Remastered
-- Prey
-- Rain World
-- Raise of the Tomb Raider
-- Sine Mora
-- Styx Master of Shadows
-- Tomb Raider
-- Tunic
-- Space marine Warhammer 40k
Not all of them are actually Steam Deck Verified, but they all run at 60 frames per second. As you can see, the competition is strong. Cyberpunk is not the only Tripple-A game you can play on your Deck. Being Steam Deck Verified means nothing if you can't enjoy the game due to performance issues. I would have to be VERY desperate to play Cyberpunk on my Deck, while having all the abovementioned as an alternative option.