Cyberware Capacity Usage Fluctuates

I'm finding that as I'm upgrading cyberware I previously had room for I suddenly don't have room. Even though upgrading doesn't seem to change the capacity requirements of the cyberware one visit to a ripperdoc I have enough capacity and then an hour later I upgrade something and it pops out because suddenly it's over capacity. I'm not aware of anything I'm doing to lower my cyberware capacity or alter the capacity cost of my existing cyberware. I don't use the perk that grants extra capacity for attributes yet and even if I did I've already seen that it locks and prevents removal if you don't have free capacity so it's not that causing my problem.
I have the same problem.

I think the problem is tied to Capacity Shards. They increase your capacity and you equip new cyberware, then when you reload the game (I think?) the capacity is lost and you are now above capacity, like this:

It is definitely bugged. Playing the game and working towards 100% before they fix this will mean you will struggle to reach max capacity in the end game.

EDIT: Seems like it's to do with upgrading and not shards. It randomly stops counting the capacity for cyberware when upgrading... then you end up adding new stuff and at some point the game realises you've gone over the limit. So it forces you to downgrade, which is very annoying.
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They better fix it in a way that doesn’t ruin my play through. I should probably have a lot higher capacity right now if that’s the case. This has happened a bunch of times and I’m over 30 hours in.
Same here, value fluctuates a lot... I mean like 10 to 15 points at a time... If I try to replace any piece by higher quality it kicks out the existing and does bot allow for the new one...
I don't think it's the Ripperdoc. I think that we are not currently benefiting from our passive skills. I have +15 to capacity from my Engineer tree, and when I interact with any of my cyberware (removing, upgrading, anything) I lose 16 points of capacity. I've also gotten two or so shards out in the world. I know the numbers don't match up exactly (or maybe there's another +capacity skill I'm not seeing), but the numbers being that close is awfully suspicious.
I wish they'd do something about it. I don't trust that I'm not missing a chunk of cyberware capacity
Personally I'm not experiencing max capacity go down, but installed capacity being miscalculated is pretty much a thing. It's reducing the value, so gives the impression that the player has more capacity than they actually do.

Can be avoided until it's fixed by simply unequipping and then equipping all cyberware while browsing the Ripperdoc menu to have the correct value shown.
This bug is still in effect, even though I am playing on the most current version of available on Steam.
Just trying to maxing out my character and reached max capacity (for my character) with implants. Then I try to upgrade an implant (doesn't matter which one), and that implant is unequiped while the my characters capacity remains at full.
So that's quite an annoying bug. Even though I must admit I feel my character is already overpowered, I would like to be able to max out the upgrades of all the cyberware of my character.
No my actual cyberwear capacity has gone down its not an illusion after I unequip everything I'm not able to equip up to 327 anymore its only 320 somthing like this is a huge problem and hopefully fixed in the 2.1 update if not I'll definitely be taking a break 🤬🤬😭😭🤬
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cyberware capacity is bonkers at minimum... at maximum, even if it worked flawlessly it would be poorly designed, very very poorly designed, like, not thought AT ALL.

say that you start a new playthough and you've done your research on what build you're planning for this one and you need a lot of cyberware capacity so you pick up the talent [Renaissance Punk] so to maixmize your cyberware capacity you end up picking 20, 20, 20, 12, 9 so you keep on leveling and since the cyberware capacity shard drop is random you end up getting more cyberware capacity than thought so this talent is useless now, so you have to use the one time respect to get 20, 20, 20, 18, 3... wasting it in a silly way instead of in a meaningful way like trying a new build entirely.

then you might end up still having too much cyberware capacity so you end up locked out outside "Fury"'s proc from the talent [Edgerunner]...

or you just don't get enough and you have a half assed build all botched around which only turns in a disappointing experience.

and it all boils down on the fact that cyberware capacity shards are random drops.

this is from the game design angle, which simply proves, with pure logic, how poorly designed this is, it's easiest solution'd be that cyberware capacity shards be sold at ripperdocs at increasing prices each time (to make it harder to hoard it all).

add to this the bugged to the death angle and the time is taking for them to fix it, i haven't played the game since 2.01's release, been waiting for a fix and rework for this since and each day the interest fades away furher and further, this game is only a mediocre one by now from something that could've been almost revolutionary, i've talked to support people while reporting bugs through email and the last thing they told me is that they have no plan on any rework, so yeah... probably is gonna be the last game i ever purchase from this company, it's not like changing loot tables and npc vendor's tables is hard and time consuming... if they don't see the appallant logic here it proofs that they just don't care a tiny bit about their product and their customers.
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