Not sure if this is an intentional change in 2.0, I played this game during patches 1.3, 1.5 and 1.6 - during all of these patches I would always get a call from a Fixer when approaching one of their gigs (either via car or by foot). Now none of them call, but I get a text from them with what they would usually say over the phone. I was 50 hours into my 2.0 campaign and just played through it (though I gotta say, the game feels oddly quiet as a result of only getting text messages from them).
I just started my second playthrough after having done some reading about the problem as it seems to be a rare bug if you pick up certain quests in a certain order, but then it happened again immediately as I got out of the prologue. None of the fixers call me about the gig I'm approaching. Is this a bug or a feature? What happened to the voice acting?
Would love to get an answer about this because it's nagging at me and feels like I'm missing out on a lot as I can't remember what any of these gigs were about, and it's a lot of cold reading instead where I can't even remember what the fixers sound like.
To summarize:
- Fixers no longer call you about their gigs when you approach them.
- Fixers will only send you long text messages with what they would normally say using voice acting.
- Is this a bug or an intentional change?
Alternatively, am I misremembering?
I just started my second playthrough after having done some reading about the problem as it seems to be a rare bug if you pick up certain quests in a certain order, but then it happened again immediately as I got out of the prologue. None of the fixers call me about the gig I'm approaching. Is this a bug or a feature? What happened to the voice acting?
Would love to get an answer about this because it's nagging at me and feels like I'm missing out on a lot as I can't remember what any of these gigs were about, and it's a lot of cold reading instead where I can't even remember what the fixers sound like.
To summarize:
- Fixers no longer call you about their gigs when you approach them.
- Fixers will only send you long text messages with what they would normally say using voice acting.
- Is this a bug or an intentional change?
Alternatively, am I misremembering?