Foreign words not being translated, bug or feature?



Forum veteran
So I finished the game on a Nomad and thought it was pretty cool that foreign languages spoken by NPCs automatically gets translated in the subtitles after first showing the original foreign word in bold.

I started a new game, Corpo this time, and to my dismay I see that this time the foreign words spoken by Jackie and Arasaka goons aren't being translated. Is this automatic translation a feature unique to Nomad, or is my Corpo playthrough bugged? Or am I missing a setting that enables or disables the translation of foreign words?

Playing the game in English with English subtitles, btw.
Feature. Even after Judy installs the translator to V in one braindance scene. It never works for any language outside that braindance.

I thought I could by this translator mod from ripperdoc but no.

I think only language that is translated automatically is Japanese or Chinese. Seen it happen few times when interacting with NPC drivers that yell at you.
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Forum veteran
Feature. Even after Judy installs the translator to V in one braindance scene. It never works for any language outside that braindance.

Is Corpo the only character that starts without a translator mod? Because I heard from friends that Streetrats also have foreign words translated in the subtitles right from the start.

Why does Corpo get locked out of this feature?
Dunno how it was on previous versions, here from patch 1.31, started with Corpo, and everything is translated as it should. However, I'm not sure if you were aware of this, and it might be the actual reason due to how dialogues are written in each prologue, every dialogue, no matter your lifepath or anything else, gets translated only if the whole line of text (as defined by what is shown on your screen in subtitles at any one given point) is in a foreign language. Foreign words in the middle of the sentence never get translated for anyone and are instead highlighted with light blue. Don't know if that's intentional or the devs' mistake, or, somehow, an inescapable reality of their engine. At first I thought that words not being translated are either so widely known they don't need it or too difficult to translate, but that is clearly not the case if you've played the game. It only matters if the whole phrase is in the foreign language.
I would say it's a feature kinda like in Assassin's Creed games. E.g. in AC2 Ezio and other characters sometimes speak italian and sometimes there are words that are not translated to bring "flavour" in the dialogue. CP2077 seems to do the exact same thing and a lot of the times the words are easy to guess anyways. I personally don't speak spanish but I can pretty much guess what many of the words mean.
"He paid up front?! Hijole!" I have no idea what "hijole" means but I have a pretty good gut feeling :D
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