Give Feedback On My Deck

Give Feedback On My Deck

Hello Gwentlemans and Gwentladies.

Tis too early to post my Deck but i do want to share my early experiences with it. Firstly because i like Nilf and secondly because another archetype i wanted to experiment with has already gobe viral by famous streamers and i hate myself for copying others or netdecking in general. As i explain i like it because it is challenging, being challenging means i get to think, i get to leave a match wiser and that matters more than winning because in this process i am having fun. Is anyone having fun because he/she plays an OP meta deck? Well, perhaps some right? Anyway, to much talk..

- Calveit x1 :p

- Ragh Nar Roog
- Cahir
- Villentretenmerth
- Vilgefortz

- Decoy
- Vanhemar
- Auckes
- De Wett
- Fringilla
- Peter Saar Gwynleve

- First Light x1
- Vicovaro Medic x2
- Emissary x3
- Nauzicaa Brigade x2
- Nauzicaa Standard Bearer x2
- Impera Brigade x3
- Rot Tosser x2

Gwentify Link

Thanks for any feedback and suggestions! GLHF

(Thanks Adam Nadrac for always trying non meta decks ;) )
Looks generally solid.

Ceallach might be a card worth looking at. It's a pretty big swing if you've consistently got at least a couple bronze spies on the field. Can do some interesting things with Fringilla.

Villentretenmerth also strikes me as an odd choice. It's a good card for sure, but doesn't have a ton of synergy with this sort of deck which is generally going to want to buff Impera Brigades up into the biggest cards on the field.
ikillchicken;n8648910 said:
Looks generally solid.

Ceallach might be a card worth looking at. It's a pretty big swing if you've consistently got at least a couple bronze spies on the field. Can do some interesting things with Fringilla.

Villentretenmerth also strikes me as an odd choice. It's a good card for sure, but doesn't have a ton of synergy with this sort of deck which is generally going to want to buff Impera Brigades up into the biggest cards on the field.

He is indeed because you also want your units to get buffed. As i said i just got him and he actually got me some games. For example:

A Nilfgaardian Come Back

But yes, after posting this i got 4 losses in a row in Ranked, so i already started doing adjustments. The video is from my second iteration of the deck. The purpose of him is to use him when everything else fails, as shown in video. Overall i would say any CCG is situational and the key word is "adapt", so i want to make something like this. I think it is viable because the consistency is very good with 25 cards, 10 already in hand.

But as i said i just want feedback and suggestions, i knew it was too early to post the deck but i thought outside help might help refine it. Thanks btw!
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