I'm done with the game clocked in at 51hours

Finished my first playthrough at around 54h. Did the main storyline and like half a dozen side jobs, no gigs. Yeah, I took my time. Played as stealth guy and didn't rush it, like at all. I spent a good bit scouting areas and considering how I could slip through unnoticed and/or take out every single opponent even when unnecessary.
I'm at 80 hours now :) finished my first playthrough at around 70 (twice to get both endings I have opened RP wise).
I was a bit sad that the game ends with you being ported to your last save kinda. But there is hoping that will change with DLC.

I had great fun so far and really enjoy myself playing.
I hope they change their stance on the adult + romance + nightlife content, which is severely lacking.
Also I'm not going to apologize for wishing for a truely adult game with good romance and Night City experience.
It's not like someone who likes to shoot at npc is called a psycho either. Or in other words, to hell with your double morale :p.

Also it needs much more clothing, outfit etc. options and how to buy those things needs to be changed.
RNG clothing stores are super silly imho.

But I digress :D so 80 hours, well my moneys worth and good fun but even greater potential.

Cheers :)
I am at 80+ hours in but had to restart a couple of times for bad choices on my part and have two V's lifepaths and different builds/choices.
... and ... I literally just saw a television advertisement for the game where they're still showing stuff that didn't make it into the final version. I'm done. Back to one of my three copies of TW3, when CDPR at least seemed like a decent company. I'll check back in six months.

Freaking pisses me off.
about 80 hours now On my second playthrough first was female /judy this time is male/ Panam game is only about 50 hours even if you do lots of side quests too short.
I can guarantee you have not finished all Side missions plus story and gigs etc. At 50 hours aaand (Horsing around a bunch). I have made a new character after I felt like I got a good grasp around mechanics and where stuff is etc. I have now only done story missions until I am supposed to meet Ev and Maelstrom for the first time. And have been running non-stop between Side missions and gigs in the first zone SC 26 and Level 12 atm and is 10 hours in. And I mean I am running from point A to point B non stop. Dont try tell me you did all zones like this plus story in under 50 hours.
I haven't finished the game as I'm only 18 hours in, but I had to stop due to almost having my head explode from motion sickness. This hasn't happened in any other game to date. Granted, I'm playing on my Xbox One X, but that shouldn't really matter.

Supposedly 7 years ago the game was originally going to be dev'd for the PC, PS and Xbox consoles (not next gen). There have been some great game moments but overall the glitches, the lag and the almost constant screen freezing (especially after the last 2 patches have led me back to Valhalla for the time being. I'll wait until the Jan/Feb updates are released, or, I upgrade to the Series X.

This will go down as the worst game launch ever, even worse than Anthem or Fallout 76. In this case it's even worse and more egregious due to the hype train lead by CDPR in the years leading to launch. The norm should not be what was done with The Witcher and release crap to be fixed later, not after they've gotten everyone's $$. Sad CDPR, really, really sad.

Yeah their marketing has been deliberately misleading twice now. With TW3 it was the visuals and I thought surely they're not crazy enough to pull that stunt again. Welp, this time it was the state of the game and missing features. Next time they start hyping a game, I'm not believing a word.
Steam says my first playthrough lasted 67 hours. The main questline is definitely too short.

Some additional long side quests in future updates would help the game out a lot. And please CDPR, make these quests dependent on your life path. Meaning, you're locked out of certain quests depending on your background.
Took me 20 hours to realize what a disaster this game is. Nothing to do apart from shooty shooty bang bang. It does what it does extremely well, and the open world looks amazing, but its just not my kinda game. Wish I realized how empty,boring and broken this game is within the 2 hour refund limit.

And CDPR have the honor of being the first company to ever scam me out of money.....
I'm at 96 hours and my map is chock full of stuff to, haven't finished the main story. I mean I could have a long time ago I guess but having to much fun playing in Night City. Yes, I'm aware how much content is missing or broken because the game launched too early. Still having lots of fun.
The point though is that the developers, Respawn and Bethesda knew full well "how" the game would be received prior to launch, the same as CDPR, and that's just a slap in the face to players who paid for them.

I played Anthem and it was a hot mess, didn't bother with Fallout 76. I don't think anybody thought CP2077 would launch much the same way, I don't think anybody had an inkling at all.

The other problem is that there's no accountability for the companies that put this mess out. In most cases they get the majority of the $$ ahead of the game launch, leaving the players helpless. In this case though at least Sony and MS had the common sense to see what was happening and offered refunds and pulled the product off their online stores. This needs to hurt CDPR in the wallet, not the dev's who coded and actually worked on the game, but the managers who orchestrated the launch. If we hear that those same managers pull some of the dev profit promised to them then every single dev should walk off the job and immediately sue the company.

And to your comment, this is exactly the kind of feedback these companies "don't" need to hear as it only fuels them to continue to release games like this. CDPR wasn't ready for release or our $$, it isn't a great game at this moment.
To be fair, unlike the other 2, Cyberpunk is a great game barring the technical issues.
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