The funniest things

You'd have to be black and American to get this one. One of the funniest things I've seen in CP77 is when you cripple a enemy's firing arm and they stick one finger up and walk around like they're getting up from a church pew with diarrhea. Truth be told, I've never been into gore in games, but the way CP77 does it seems to be arbitrarily entertaining.

One of the funniest things I've ever seen in the game is shooting a Valentino's leg off and the chic crawled up to me jumped up on one leg to shoot then went prone and crawled up to me just to do it again. Getting "Critted" by someone in critical condition LOL! Since v2.2 there are a bunch of voice lines from enemies that have popped up that I've never heard before. Even some of the clothing configurations and general NPC configurations have been popping up much more random than they did before.

I've been trying to find if there have been more spawn points added to the "Just Another Job" El Capitan missions. I've found several that I've never come across before.

Lately, Amstaff and Carmen are my must have weapons. Dezerter is HILARIOUS! Sitting here thinking about how many play throughs I've done with the game and how my playstyle has evolved. It's interesting that now after beating the game multiple times on very hard difficulty I can't see how I can play the game on a lower difficulty anymore. Once you get used to the hardest difficulty, bullet sponging is a lot less fun.

CP77 has a lot of incidental emergent qualities, even still I want them to add more things into the game to make them emerge. Stuff that intentionally instigates the chaos in the system. Play the game as much as I have and you see a BUNCH of weird stuff. Those "Oh wow! That felt real!" moments. I think the devs try too hard to protect games from the glitches rather than exploit the glitches to enhance player experience. Some things you can't do anything about because of the severe complications of the mathematics involved in the system. Some things should be treated as endearing phenomenon that beg the player to take advantage of it.

Talking to my buddy earlier today, one of his biggest complaints (that's VERY COMMON) is that a big as the world is, and as much as it is in it, it still feels underutilized. ESPECIALLY in the late game. My personal opinion is that the El Capitan missions and fishing for Twin Tones fills some of the void when you get to that sweet spot that there is nothing much to do beyond push the story forward and what you just want to do is run around and find enemies spawn in places that aren't predictable and have or engage in encounters that keep the gameplay spontaneous.

I think one of the funniest things that I see when watching Pawel Sasko in interviews is that he gets excited about putting in one or two pieces of emergent content in the game and even though he expects people to get excited about it, it never just clicks that people want a shit ton of it EVERYWHERE ALL THE TIME. Not just for some arbitrary one time event for a patch and/or update.

I think the big industry disconnect between people that like making games and folks that are proficient in playing them is that devs rarely see how crazy gamers actually are in approaching their creations.


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It definitely is! LMFAO!!!!!!!!!

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The game is extraordinary! Milestone setting in computing excellence. The folks that actually believe in its potential usually complain because they know that only the tip of the iceberg has been touched in what's possible.
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