Johnny can enter our body whenever we want

I think it would (probably) be great if something like this comes in the new update. V will also be available but it would be nice to travel with Johnny.
In my opinion, there are two big problem with your suggestion :(
- One, when Johnny take control of V's body, both voice are played when V talk. So it means that whenever V have to talk alone, it won't be possible because Johnny voice acting doesn't exist (no need to say that CDPR won't bring back keenu to register plenty of dialogue lines), which exclude most of quests and GIGs. And no sure it would add anything when simply wandering in the world.
- Two, the futur update(s) will be bug fixes mainly (or will only add very little things). So no need to hope for big changes now. CDPR moved on from Cyberpunk 2077 to seriously work on the next The Witcher game (only 17 devs currently keep working on Cyberpunk).
I'm not sure that I understand the suggestion. Johnny is already in V's body, permanently unless something is done quickly about the chip. In fact, the body is well on its way to becoming Johnny's body instead of V's body.
In my opinion, there are two big problem with your suggestion :(
- One, when Johnny take control of V's body, both voice are played when V talk. So it means that whenever V have to talk alone, it won't be possible because Johnny voice acting doesn't exist (no need to say that CDPR won't bring back keenu to register plenty of dialogue lines), which exclude most of quests and GIGs. And no sure it would add anything when simply wandering in the world.
- Two, the futur update(s) will be bug fixes mainly (or will only add very little things). So no need to hope for big changes now. CDPR moved on from Cyberpunk 2077 to seriously work on the next The Witcher game (only 17 devs currently keep working on Cyberpunk).
At least the text is blue for a while and it shows Johnny's arm, I can tell from there, thank you anyway.
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I'm not sure that I understand the suggestion. Johnny is already in V's body, permanently unless something is done quickly about the chip. In fact, the body is well on its way to becoming Johnny's body instead of V's body.
No, let's control Silverhand by taking pills, it would be fun to see her arm etc.
I think it would (probably) be great if something like this comes in the new update. V will also be available but it would be nice to travel with Johnny.
Why though? The entire point of the game is stopping that. The scenes where we let it happen are exceptions for a reason.
Why though? The entire point of the game is stopping that. The scenes where we let it happen are exceptions for a reason.
You say stopping this will happen, but I say it won't happen in the first place. NOCTURNE will be active after OP55N1. So those who want to play with Johnny can. While doing this, there will be no Biochip progress etc., it will progress straight.
You say stopping this will happen, but I say it won't happen in the first place. NOCTURNE will be active after OP55N1. So those who want to play with Johnny can. While doing this, there will be no Biochip progress etc., it will progress straight.
I'm a bit lost here :(
The quest is named "Nocturne OP55N1", which is one quest and the point of no return (if you start this quest, you have to finish the game no matter what). So "Nocturne" can't be active after "OP55N1".
The entire point of the game is to get Johnny out of V's Head/body. AND we know that the more johnny takes control, the more long-term damage he does to V's brain. So why would V just randomly one afternoon go "Hey Johhny I'm tired of being in control you drive for a bit" without a really damned good reason?

The only times Johnny takes control is A.) V doing them a personal favor (Kerry and Rogue stuff) or B.) an emergency where V is down, and Johnny needs to take control to save them.

Having Johnny just randomly take control at the flip of a switch neither makes sense from V's perspective, the story overall AND johnny's stated goal of saving V. I guess for people who want more Johnny it's a nice idea, I know the community is split between wanting more johnny or less Johnny, and being able to let the player decide in theory is nice (I guess) I'm just not sure how this idea specific idea would work and still make sense for the story,
I'm a bit lost here :(
The quest is named "Nocturne OP55N1", which is one quest and the point of no return (if you start this quest, you have to finish the game no matter what). So "Nocturne" can't be active after "OP55N1".
Translation error, I meant that this option should be active when that mission screen came up.
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The main goal of the game is to get Johnny out of V's Head/body. AND we know that the more Johnny takes control, the more long-term damage he will cause to V's brain. So why would V randomly say "Hey Johhny, I'm tired of being in control, drive for a while" one afternoon, is there really no good reason?
Thank you, you explained it very well. Such a situation almost continues to happen for those who want it.
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I'm just not sure how this idea specific idea would work and still make sense for the story
Just to add that after the very last time V let Johnny taking control (after playing with Samourai), there is a specific dialogue line from V to Johnny which point out it's no longer an "option" :
"I hope it's your last wish, because I don't think I can handle anymore!"
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