Let's talk about interaction with game world

I don't saw thread about interaction with world itself, what do you think, how much we can do this time?
In Witcher 3 world interactions are very restricted, we can't sit on chairs, sleep in beds (except B&W) and do more this "useless" things, that offer eg. Bethesda games, Im very corious what they allow us in CP77? Also, how much interactions will be with ppl on the streets I wish CDPR can deliver something more complex than in TW3, maybe something simmilar to system from RDR2 gameplay trailer, where we have few different interactions wiht some NPCs (

Demo give us some informations, but I avare many of things there was scripted, or restricted to certain places (like in TW3 where Geralt sitting on chairs in some cutscenes, or dialogues)

(sorry for my English)
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