Long times for matchmaking

Hi all!
longtime Gwent player here... since I finished Witcher 3 on PS4. Started June 2018. i love everything Gwent is. every update, faction, etc. the last two days, gwent has taken minutes to match for a game, many times I get the error Message (I.e. most likely we are on it) , and have to start over. Just curious if this is a ME thing or other folks have it. Also, have in PC and IOS, same issue,
You are correct. Matchmaking times were not like this before the last patch. I really don't know why the wait times are longer now than they have ever been (as far as I know). I would think with more players on IOS the wait times would be shorter.:shrug:
It’s getting out of hand- seriously. I’m on my fourth round of “searching for a worthy rival” and I’ve only been able to complete two games in an hour. I’m very frustrated and it’s taking a lot of joy out of a game I love so much. I hope this gets fixed soon!

mare other folks getting this kind of horrible delay matchmaking? just this morning I’ve been in over 30 minutes of matchmaking in over an hour of attempted gameplay
I've been having the same problem for a few days now. It's very frustrating.

No communication about it so I don't know what's going on.

It doesn't seem to come from my connection since I can play quick unranked game perfectly fine.
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