may be a fix for user ndvia GPU on latptop

Just find out why having some few drop fps and overheating issues with cyberpunk
since 1.6 and specially 1.6.1 having above 85/95 ¨°c CPU temp , 80/85 GPU temp
clock speed cpu almost 4.8 ghz all time

at first i was thinking it was ndvia contenair display but after checking and monotoring all my setup . all issues come for power plan setup .
i don't know if its windows last update , or ndvia , or last patch 1.6.1 but i can only use one setting power plan management both GPU/CPU

on nitro sense ndvia app , i use now "factory omptimzed " ( in my case Acer setting )
done the same thing for power manganement setting , pick the acer factory setting

now getting at max 75°C on cpu and max 70°C on GPU , game running more smoothly , no more lag , very rare case on some aera for drop fps .
cpu running more on a normal way
dlss or FSR enable , no more noise / blurry image
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