No weather bug

Hi all, I've searched across the forum and thought this may fit here.

So, I've been playing Cyberpunk 2077 for around 50 h. already, and while I saw rainy weather one time or two (first time when arriving at Night City, one more while free roaming) and that's it, kept playing thinking that it was somewhat normal.

Then I saw this video on YouTube:

And this one:

And a list made on this forum of all the climate variety that the game apparently has, and how many people seemed to complaint about too much rain:

Sunny, Cloudy, Stormy, Foggy, Light rain, Medium rain, Heavy rain, Foggy rainstorm, Heavy foggy rainstorm, Pollution haze.

A wide variety of weather conditions is a huge deal in any open-world game, so, I'd like to let the devs know about this issue.

Personally, I prefer not to have rain on PS4, as it's likely pretty hard to handle for this console in terms of performance. Still, I'm not sure how well the PS4 pro would do in this case.

But at this point, it seems better to work on the performance first before dealing with things like that.

We'll see :)
Yeah, you're totally right about PS4 might struggle trying to have a proper weather system.

The thing is, I know lots of close friends that have the exact same issue across various platforms, high end PCs, Playstation 4, Pro, and, in my particular case, PS5.

The initial intention was to, at the very least, show that first YouTube video as a legit proof that something may be messing up the ingamw weather system, that's all.

I hope CPDR manages to sort all these nitty picky problems too.

Well, it seems that with the new patch, I was able to get dinamic rain, it only took 75 in-game hours to see it..
The reason you don't see the weather is because time is standing still unless you do time skip.
So if it's is sunny and you only do police hustles and gigs that does not move time forward and you started 13:00 after 20 hours of play and 50 gigs later it will still be 13:00.

So weather never change, sun and moon do not move over the sky.
If you play gta, skyrim, fo4 or even Borderlands and you idle your char to go eat or something time will move forcard and it might be night when you get back. This does not happen in CP.
Well on PS4 Pro it does not, or if it does it has to be slower then even normal time.

I can clear whole watson of every single gig and hustle and if it was sunny when I started it's still sunny.
Only times I seen clock move is like after the rescue and you go down the elevator the clock fast forward like 3 hours, so it's one hell of elevator ride, why do this if time moves forward by itself.

Why the constant force of time skips in gis if time moves by itself. I never seen a sunrise or sunset in this games as you can see in just about every other open world game.
Bro, I've literally gone on a drive from 3 AM to Sunrise, it's there. Well at least in the version I'm playing.
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