Patch Notes ST [Wishful thinking]

The following patch notes attempt to bring some ST cards up to "normal" power level as of October 2021. This is completely impossible, of course, because you have to have a team of 100 working on patching 24/7 to manage more than 5 unit changes per faction, but maybe we can roadmap this for the next 3 years! :D
Changes in parentheses:

-Dwarven Skirmisher: 2 (+1) power. Plays for conditional 7
-Brokilon Sentinel: 3(+1) power. Plays for 8 on deathblow.
-Dol Blathana Bomber: 3(+1) power. Plays for 7 if hitting both targets.
-Vrihedd Saboteur: 4(+1) power. Plays for 6.
-Vernossiel's Commando: 4(+1) power. Conditional engine. Plays for 5 on deploy.
-Dwarven Agitator: 4(+1) power. Plays for 6.
-Panther. 4(+1) power. Play for 6 in melee, or slow 8 in range.
-Blue mountain elite: 4(+1) power. Plays for conditional 7.
-Dol Blathana Bowman: 4(+1) power. Plays for maximum of 7 points.
-Elven Wardancer: 4(+1) power. Play for 5 unboosted, or 8 with handbuff.
-Hawker SupportL Boost by 2(+1) or by 4(+1) if control artifact. Plays for 5 or 7, respectively.
-Vrihedd Officer: Boost or damage by 3(+1). Bonded: User both abilities. Plays for 6 alone, 15 together bonded (7.5 each)
-Hawker healer: 4(+1) power. Plays for 6 on melee, maximum of 8 on range (healing)
-Abandoned girl: 5(+1) power.
-Miner. Give harmony tag back.
-Dryad grovekeeper: 5(+1) power.
-Elven Swordmaster:+Zeal.
-Vrihedd Dragioon: 5(+1) power.
-Trained Hawk: 4(+1) power.
-Dryad Ranger. Melee: Damage enemy by 3. Ranged: Give unit Poison.
-Vrihedd Brigade: 4(+1) power. 6 on deploy, +2 random damage when moved.
-Forest whisperer. Order. Ranged: Boost ally by 3 (instead of vitality)
-Hawker Smuggler: 5p(-1)

For golds:

Oak: 12p(-1) Plays for 16 maximum.
Water of Brokilon:10p (-2) Plays for 8 on deploy, 2 1-per turn engines.
Munro: 10p(-2) OR 12p but "Transform 2 dwarves into berserkers" OR 12p but "Transform rowdys into berserkers AND boost them by 2".
Saskia: 6(+1) power.
Call of the Forest: 9(-1)p
Saov: 7p(-2)
Yarpen ZIgrin: +2Armor.
Milaen: 8p(-1)
Dennis Cranmer: Melee: Boost 2 adjacent dwarves by 2 and give them 2 armor. Ranged: Boost a dwarf by 4 and give it veil.
Etriel/Muirlega: 7p each(-1)
Sirrssa: Damage by 3(+1)
Milva: 5(+2) power.
Gord: [Power 1(-2) Provisions 8(+1)]Boost self by 0. Increase boost by one for every special card in your starting deck.
Zoltan's company: 5p(-1) bronze.
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Well, you have already make that gord suggestion in other topic but i interpreted you made a mistalke and i say nothing about that.

But now you have made the same suggestion.

So your suggetion is, gord will always play for 15 points (since almost all the spellatell decks has 12 special) for 7 provision and "no setup" (i mean no setup because you have setup in your deck building, but play with 12 special in a deck is something really easy to do).

There is simple no explanation for your suggestion, only making a 15 points gord for 7 provision.

I know its only some your personal ideas with this topic and you fell free to think whatever you want, but that suggestion its just crazy
Well, you have already make that gord suggestion in other topic but i interpreted you made a mistalke and i say nothing about that.

But now you have made the same suggestion.

So your suggetion is, gord will always play for 15 points (since almost all the spellatell decks has 12 special) for 7 provision and "no setup" (i mean no setup because you have setup in your deck building, but play with 12 special in a deck is something really easy to do).

There is simple no explanation for your suggestion, only making a 15 points gord for 7 provision.

I know its only some your personal ideas with this topic and you fell free to think whatever you want, but that suggestion its just crazy
It was supposed to include 1 power starting body and a possible 1p increase in provision, which I neglected to mention, making it max 13 for 8. But the point is, either way, is that the reason people are building 12-spec ST decks (though 14 unit decks do exist, and even 15-unit) is because of trying to maximize Gord "the finisher". When Gord becomes not "the finisher" and therefore less of a focus, it will hopefully also offer more flexibility to deckbuilding, and 15-16-17 unit "spell" decks are going to appear, increasing diversity overall.
It was supposed to include 1 power starting body and a possible 1p increase in provision, which I neglected to mention, making it max 13 for 8. But the point is, either way, is that the reason people are building 12-spec ST decks (though 14 unit decks do exist, and even 15-unit) is because of trying to maximize Gord "the finisher". When Gord becomes not "the finisher" and therefore less of a focus, it will hopefully also offer more flexibility to deckbuilding, and 15-16-17 unit "spell" decks are going to appear, increasing diversity overall.
This is half correct.

In The pass, The nature gift (and also was called spellatael, even If was played with nature cards and not spells) People usually to play with 10-12 specials.

The no unit precision strike The same.

Only this New spellatael Maybe has "room" to make a deck with more units and less special.

But The funny of those New spellatael its use The units and special to create a huge gord. All the news cards were developd thinking on this, special orbs.

So The only real deck wich you can play with less special its just The deck wich was designed tô play a lot of special and play a big gord.

Also, you will make those no units precision strike even strong, since One way to counter it its just dont let The opponent play too much damage special and dont have a huge gord in The end.

So, no, i cant agree with that idea. I think gord needs some changes (problably in provision) but not to make even OP and no setup
This is half correct.

In The pass, The nature gift (and also was called spellatael, even If was played with nature cards and not spells) People usually to play with 10-12 specials.

The no unit precision strike The same.

Only this New spellatael Maybe has "room" to make a deck with more units and less special.

But The funny of those New spellatael its use The units and special to create a huge gord. All the news cards were developd thinking on this, special orbs.

So The only real deck wich you can play with less special its just The deck wich was designed tô play a lot of special and play a big gord.

Also, you will make those no units precision strike even strong, since One way to counter it its just dont let The opponent play too much damage special and dont have a huge gord in The end.

So, no, i cant agree with that idea. I think gord needs some changes (problably in provision) but not to make even OP and no setup
So the whole point of making this change is that casting 20 orbs won't make a difference to Gord and won't cause him to go to 23. And those units that create and play specials won't count either. So how does that make Gord "more OP"? It's just going to be a tempo card instead of a finisher, and it will be of good-to-middling value, depending on how many specials you have, instead of binary win condition if last say or lose otherwise card.
So the whole point of making this change is that casting 20 orbs won't make a difference to Gord and won't cause him to go to 23. And those units that create and play specials won't count either. So how does that make Gord "more OP"? It's just going to be a tempo card instead of a finisher, and it will be of good-to-middling value, depending on how many specials you have, instead of binary win condition if last say or lose otherwise card.
Well, like i said, in no units precision strike he will be strnger than now.

In the old nature spelliatell he will be almost the same points than now, but not a finisher.

In this new spelliatael he will be weaker, but the funny of this deck and the cards were made to create a huge gord.

So, yes, i was wrong to not explain he will be more OP in precision strike deck.

Anyway, like i said too, devs create those new cards thiking on gord, so they wont change it (despite they can change in provisions cost)


Forum veteran
Agree with most suggestions, they're in line with what you can find on other factions, specially the bronzes (for ex. compare ST elf swordmaster - no zeal, with SK brokvar archer - zeal)

I do think for Saskia, a slight rework is better - what PTjon suggested in his Harmony rework video, make the unit she spawns be played, so it actuallt double proccs harmony, maybe she would need to be 1pr more but that is still way better than it is now.

Also, glad to see Milva mentioned, she's probably one of the most powercrept cards, i havent seen her in years, even though i used her a lot and see others also using her during the first times of Gwent HC. A 2pt boost would be a good start.
Agree with most suggestions, they're in line with what you can find on other factions, specially the bronzes (for ex. compare ST elf swordmaster - no zeal, with SK brokvar archer - zeal)

I do think for Saskia, a slight rework is better - what PTjon suggested in his Harmony rework video, make the unit she spawns be played, so it actuallt double proccs harmony, maybe she would need to be 1pr more but that is still way better than it is now.

Also, glad to see Milva mentioned, she's probably one of the most powercrept cards, i havent seen her in years, even though i used her a lot and see others also using her during the first times of Gwent HC. A 2pt boost would be a good start.
I agree that spawn and play would be good for Saskia, and make her a LOT better, BUT at the same time nobody ever spawns and plays tokens, because it's kind of silly, and making her spawn and play actual units might be too good. So I thought a one point increase in body would make her at least a little better without breaking anything.
So much for ( y)our wishful thinking :giveup:

I didn't want to participate in this thread as I guessed none of this would happen. If we want our wishful thinking to become reality, we should switch from ST to SK.

WoB is still 12P, CoF is still 10P, Sappers are now a weaker version of Pellar. The best thing ST players can do is to not have any expectation and expect 0 changes to ST. So that even if we get one or two meaningless buffs (like Barbanas or Berserker we can be happy). Barbanas buff is a good one, but he supports a dead archetype Harmony. When Harmony is in dumpster, what is the use of a buff to a card in that archetype with no attempt to help Harmony? C'est la vie for ST.
So much for ( y)our wishful thinking :giveup:

I didn't want to participate in this thread as I guessed none of this would happen. If we want our wishful thinking to become reality, we should switch from ST to SK.

WoB is still 12P, CoF is still 10P, Sappers are now a weaker version of Pellar. The best thing ST players can do is to not have any expectation and expect 0 changes to ST. So that even if we get one or two meaningless buffs (like Barbanas or Berserker we can be happy). Barbanas buff is a good one, but he supports a dead archetype Harmony. When Harmony is in dumpster, what is the use of a buff to a card in that archetype with no attempt to help Harmony? C'est la vie for ST.
Yeah, I mean, I didn't really expect much from this patch, based on just ST recent patch history, lol. This thread was just basically an attempt to list the most basic, obvious changes and illustrate how many ST units actually need them to be playable. It's all crazy talk, though. Just an ST main trying to make his faction OP. :D
I don't feel like creating a new thread just to post suggestion for ST so I will continue on this thread.

Vrihedd Brigade: Add "The first time this unit is boosted during a turn, move it to the other row."
Comment: This way the card could actually be useful, we could put vitality on it and it would move around doing dmg and/or synergizing with Sentry, make it 3 power and 1 armor if you think it's too strong then lol.

Vrihedd Dragoon: If you control an Elf, also damage or boost the target by 1.

Making a Bomb: Just make it into an artifact. :] Or change it's tag to Tactic. BUT then buff it by making the weaker effect not be 4 bleeding but instead be 1 damage and 3 bleeding, FAIR CHANGE!
Comment: Chill out with the Madoc spam pls.

Forest Whisperer: An interesting yet very poor card, give her 1 more base power AND Zeal for her Order (Ranged). - BAM, it's enough to be useful!

Dryad Ranger: Increase power to 4 OR keep her as is but make her 4 provisions instead of 5.

Dryad Grovekeeper: Deploy: Gain charges equal to the number of other Dryads on your side.
Order: Give 1 vitality to an allied unit.

Devotion: Either give her Zeal or Symbiosis.
Comment: Slight rework of this currently useless card.

Farseer: Power 3, Reveal a random card from opponent's deck, if it's a unit, damage an enemy unit by 3, if it isn't, boost your own unit (can target self) by 3.
Comment: Why the hell would this card reveal YOUR OWN CARDS to your enemy?? You're giving your enemy information this way lmao, better to reveal opponent's card since that gives information to YOU which might actually be useful.

Blue Mountain Elite: Deploy (Melee): Move an enemy unit to the other row and give it 2 Bleeding. Deploy (Ranged): Same as it's now.
Comment: Still not a great card but at least has some tiny versatility now.

Panther: Add a Melee Deathblow which would boost it by 2.

Weeping Willow: Reduce provisions to 6 and increase power to 6.

Treant Boar: Increase power to 6.

Pavko Gale: Reduce provisions to 7, also make him only consider units on his own row for his stronger damage condition (this way we can at least try and move NG spies to a different row instead of having to waste damage on them). Maybe also give him Zeal if boosted...

Milaen: Reduce provisions to 8 and give her a Deathblow that boosts 2 units in your hand by 1 (obviously this triggers only once so 4 or 1 deathblows make no difference).

Sirssa: Increase base power to 5.

Braenn: Make her 5 power.

Etriel: Power to 5, provisions to 7.
Muirlega: Add effect: Deathblow: If Etriel is in your deck, distribute 3 bleeding randomly among enemies, then move self to the deck and place this card below Etriel.

Morana Runestone: Make it a Nature card.

Forest Protector: Maybe make it 10 Provisions...

The Great Oak: 12 provisions.

Milva (Sharpshooter): Can't come out of the deck more then once per turn.

Milva (useless old version): Complete rework please.

Ciaran Aep Easnillen: Power to 6.

Morenn: Power to 6.

Malena: Power to 5, provisions to 7 and removed Zeal.
Comment: Okay, I guess for 7 provisions we could also give her a shield for survivability.

Hawker Support: Power to 4.

Hawker Smuggler: Add effect - Ranged: Give 1 armor to a random unit in your hand.
Comment: I feel this card is slightly underperforming but we should be careful with buffing it so it doesn't end up better then Dunca. This way we just have a backup plan in case it's moved to the ranged row since now it's effect won't be completely stopped but only hindered (gives armor instead of boost), also might open up some possibilities to work with Dwarves who benefit from armor.

Filavandrel: Reduce provisions down to 11 (from 12). Then make his ranged ability only create specials of LESS provisions (not equal).
Comment: The whole point of playing him in the ranged row is to avoid specials of equal provisions. Also idk why he was 12 provisions to begin with.

Water of Brokilon: 11 provisions.
Comment: We are not in 2019 any more lol, this card shouldn't cost 12 provisions, maybe even 11 is too much (but there are no 11 prov ST specials)...

Duen Canell Guardian: Increase power up to 5.
Comment: It's a card that no one ever plays rn (for good reason).
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Leave Malena alone already, seriously. Nobody wants to nerf her except you.
Okay, I guess for 7 provisions we could also give her a shield for survivability. I am a man of compromise, even not going to condition the shield with Devotion though that also seems like a fair thing.
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