PC Zoom Sensitivity WAY too high?

Hey guys!

So I started playing last night and made it about 20 mins in to the tutorial with the drill sergeant and it was all too apparent that the zoom/ads sensitivity is WAY TOO HIGH. I am playing on mouse and keyboard and have tried adjusting the zoom sensitivity to 0 (min value) all the way to 2 (max value) and I'm still doing 360s while ADS and overshooting my targets by miles, which as a 400 DPI low sensitivity player has already rendered the game unplayable for me. Is there a setting I'm missing? A fix? Few others on reddit have confirmed they are also having sensitivity issues so i know its not just me. Hip sens is totally fine, but I'm not gonna try to adjust to a ads sensitivty 10x as a fast as what my muscle memory is used to just to play this game. thanks!
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