Possibility to double assign the same keybind to different actions within different context or Hold/DoubleTap

The number of different keybinds for PC keyboard play is unmanageable.
I don't understand why there is not a simpler keybind set possible.

I want "Reload" and "Holster Weapon" on the same key:
- "Reload" should be tapping R
- "Holster Weapon" should be holding R

This is not possible because as soon as I bind R to "Holster Weapon", the "Reload key is unbound, although it is not even the same action (Hold instead of Tap)

This is the same for many other keybinds:

"Crouch Toggle" should be tapping LControl
"Crouch Hold" should be holding LControl
"Crouch Evade" should be double-tapping LControl

- I want to be able to assign Escape and Backspace as keys to escape completely or back out one level in UIs.
- I want to be able to use RightMouseButton +Mouse Movement to rotate my character in the Character Creator screen.

Currently the keybind UI is so neuralgic, that even though I loved the original game and played already over 1000 hours (about 50 hours I spent on editing keybind XMLs), I will not play 2.0 or Phantom Libery, until this is fixed.
+1, after uninstalling a keybind mod all binds were reset and now everything is even more jumbled up.
Fix this please, it feels like being trolled by the settings.
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