I've been playing Cyberpunk 2077 on the PS5 ever since the PlayStation Store brought it back with V1.23. While I love the concept and the main story, I want to share the issues I've experienced with the game. It's definitely playable on the PS5 but it doesn't do the game justice because it's being held back to work on the last gen consoles which is a lost cause. Presumably because there are more PS4's out there. And that's a shame because it ruins the game. I hope CDPR releases the next gen console update with the DLC together soon. Because you quickly run out of things to do in the game and that's huge a waste of potential that this game has.
I'm not going to submit support tickets for each of these because the process is such a hassle. From getting screenshots and screen recordings off the PlayStation 5 to the CDPR bug reporting form. It's too much unpaid work that could be completely ignored!
Sadly it's not possible to easily record the FPS drops on the PS5 because the screen recording saves the frames as if they were rendered in time
even when they don't.
It's a huge shame the game doesn't use the PS5 direct storage access to load assets and textures. Because a lot of the performance issues seem to be related to loading data. One can only hope CDPR implements this in the next gen version of the games. Sigh.
Despite all this, I enjoyed the main story when these bugs didn’t break my immersion. Maybe when the next gen console version are released it’ll look good too but right now I feel very disappointed. This game requires next gen consoles/hardware and even then you need to wait for the next gen update.
I'm not going to submit support tickets for each of these because the process is such a hassle. From getting screenshots and screen recordings off the PlayStation 5 to the CDPR bug reporting form. It's too much unpaid work that could be completely ignored!
- This post includes some indirect spoilers because I have to describe when and where the bugs occur. However, I don't describe the plot.
- If you drive too fast through the city with a third person view of the car you’ll experience significant drop in FPS and the game crashes. The FPS can drop to about 20 FPS at which point the game will likely crash.
- If you load from a save point during the game, you're more likely to experience a crash within an hour. I think the game doesn't release memory correctly which leads to a memory error. It's stable if you load after closing the game!
- All of the logs show Error CE-108255-1 which PlayStation's site says "Rebuild Database" but relaunching the game works fine.
- If you call two vehicles, they can end up crashing into each other. I accidentally called my bike then called my car, the car was on top of the bike then the bike was in the car before throwing the car sideways.
- At night the other cars don't have their headlights or back lights on. It’s definitely a bug. Everybody doesn't drive blindly at night!
- There's a bug with characters holding their phones and tablets. They are always side ways through their hands. One example is when you meet with Evelyn Parker.
- When you dump a body, a food item is always left behind hovering in the air by the place you dumped them.
- If you drive off with a car that has a damaged hood or bumper, the part that comes off may stay floating instead of falling to the ground.
- Objects are randomly thrown around by themselves without anything touching them. [Might be delayed animation]
- When you drive through bushes and plants in the Bad Lands, they come through the car and the dashboard.
- In many cars, you often can’t see the road from the driver perspective. All you see is the nice dashboard. The camera is too low and aimed wrong. You can’t even see cars right in front of you unless you're driving downhill. For instance in the CALIBURN. Maybe the camera angle should change like how your eyes and heads do in real life to get a good view.
- None of the cars I have driven have mirrors or screens showing behind you. If you like driving from the driver's perspective, you can't see behind you at all. So reversing is just a gamble you have to take.
- Wearing sunglasses does not help with the sun! When the sun is in your direct view, you get the blinding effect from the light. I think wearing sunglasses should lessen that!
- After upgrading the Widow Maker rifle, I could not aim and shoot anymore for a good while. It went away randomly after a long while.
- Some vehicles have almost no brakes for the first few seconds you press the brake. For instance the CALIBURN. You have to hold the brakes for a few seconds before the car begins to slow down. This happens regardless of your driving speed.
- The HUD map doesn't zoom out when you drive fast. This leads to missing turns constantly because you only see a fixed distance ahead.
- State of the game doesn’t change with time. Even after I’ve finished the main story, when I go back to the market near the Goro Takemura mission in which I took out the snipers, their bodies are still there.
- One of the rescue missions is broken. When I save Iris Tanner, she won’t get in her car. If I drive her car back to Smith's garage, the car from a previous mission is in the main garage blocking the way. Getting in her car does not satisfy the "recover her car" requirement of the mission. As I drive with her not in the car, she keeps respawning behind me and starts dialogue which gets cut off. She will sometimes randomly walk off.
- The AI are often confused in clubs. They’ll be stuck in a small room and can’t attack you.
- In one of the side missions that you're following the murderer that escaped death row, every car tries to run into you in a very obvious and pre-determined way. EVERY car. It’s very annoying and feels like bad game mechanics. There should be some randomness to it.
- Parts of the main roads and bridges are not rounded, the corners are seriously low mesh like GTA Vice City. For example the surfaces of the main bridges have creases in the road.
- I often encountered pedestrian traffic lights and street lights that are just hovering mid air without the pole.
- The cars in the distant are completely fake. If you zoom in they look like a vintage Atari game.
- There are like 15 songs in all of the radio stations. Ok maybe there are more but it’s too few and it feels like you're looping a very small playlist. They are great songs and definitely recorded for the game. But there should be more music. Other open world games like GTA offer way more music. The radio stations don't play different music based on the time of day like real radio channels or the radios in GTA. There are also no talk show radios like GTA.
- So many female voices are the same voice. The voice actress who plays Panam also plays tons of other noticeable characters with little variation. I like her voice and all but a main character's voice shouldn't be used for side characters! There should be more variety.
- The same homeless character who appears in the Space Oddity mission appears in so many other places. Also in that mission near the 3 main homeless guys you need to speak to, theres a guy leaning on something invisible. I think he's supposed to be leaning on a nearby object but somehow he's too far off.
- In a city that's full of trash bags, you never see sanitation trucks doing garbage collection! Same with graffitis, except right by the H10 or H8 building.
- When you go underwater with Judy, there is piles of trash bags under water that are indistinguishable from the trash bags you see on the street.
- Nothing happens to car tires, water, or items including trash if you shoot them.
- Character animations often glitch during transition between movements/poses. For instance in dialogues with Panam, River, Joss, and others their mouths stop moving when they are talking to you. Other times when they switching between body movements they seem to go back to the default body pose before loading the next pose. It's very robotic and strange.
- There are two bugs in the Bring Gustavo’s Head mission. If you hold his body, you are not allowed to press the elevator button and can't bring him down. If you put him down in the elevator, his body will stay fixed as the elevator goes down and you'll lose him in the elevator shaft! To clarify, his body won't move with the elevator. What I did was put him down, press the elevator button, the quickly pick him up midair.
- Some side missions are rated moderate difficulty but you encounter very difficult opponents that are hard to kill. I think the garage by the docks where you steal the SUV is one of them. There are too many gang members who don't miss a shot and are immune to many types of ammo!
- The crouching button on the PS5 is the circle (O) which is also the same button for skipping dialogue. Often I'd skip dialogue because I was trying to stand. Similar issue with picking up items. The square button picks up items and chooses dialogue options. Often I want to pick up something and it ends up accidentally choosing a dialogue option.
- If you drive your vehicle to a mission area, there's an area in which the car just won't move forward and sometimes V get out of the vehicle. The problem is this continues to happen even after the mission is complete or later when you return to the area. Your vehicle won't move, you can't drive away with it. You have to go 50 meters away, call the vehicle! This happens when you meet Goro at the Jig-Jig market and when you meet Judy for deep diving. It happens in other mission locations too. They randomly resolve once you restart the game!
- Frequently when Jonny Silverhand appears, it takes a good while before he isn't a complete blob!
- When you go see Alt, apparently theres a bar in the middle of the screen that shows the status of how good is your relationship with Jonny Silverhand. However it is nowhere explained, as I recall. The whole time I thought it was a bug. It's important to know what the bar is because if your relationship isn't at least 70% you will miss out on a secret ending option.
- If you decide to finish the story with the Panam mission, when you get out of the tank, your HUD will continue to show the tank's targeting visuals. I switched weapons to fix it but this caused the game to crash. The same happened after restarting the game but I just let it go until it later resolved itself.
- In the final mission with Panam, when you're defending against the Militech reinforcements, you might find yourself wondering where are they. You have to run around the construction site for them to appear!
- In the ending if you choose to let Silverhand takeover and go with Rogue, when you're in space everything looks great except the Earth. It looks really bad and blurry.
- In the ending with Panam, when you're flying over the lake with the tank, the sky looks atrocious. It doesn't render correctly.
- When Panam and Judy's characters lean on a fence or counter, their necks look disproportionately long! It happens when you go deep diving with Judy and when you're talking to Panam by the dam before leaving Night City.
- In the mission to kidnap Hellman with Panam, I kept trying to press the detonator but it wouldn't do it.
- Sometimes bodies get stuck in walls and objects and flail around.
- In the mission with Goro Takemura where your job is to take out the snipers there's a bug. The final sniper is in the floor from the waist down! Also when I went to get the first sniper, the first detonator doesn't go off when you walk through it!
- Elevators can be difficult to find. In the mission with Goro Takemura I spent 20 minutes looking for ways to get to the Market!
- Frequently there are items in the game you cannot pickup because they are half way in the ground. For example in the mission to save Saul, there's some cash in the control room on the floor you cannot pickup.
- In several missions the game initiates and answers important calls from Panam, Judy, and other characters while you are in the middle of another mission/dialogue. Sometimes you get a call right when you finish another mission with no time in between.
- In the Sergie mission when you enter the garage, the person who is supposed to be in the trunk is sitting shotgun. Until I open the trunk and at that point he magically moves to the trunk.
- In the mission with Kerry Eugen when you first go to Dark Matter club with the Us Cracks, when you finish the convo with Kerry and leave the terrace, the security guard climbs on stage with the dancers and stands. Another random character is also standing on stage doing nothing. Both look out of place.
- As mentioned before the game state doesn't always change after a mission to reflect that it's over. For instance after meeting Kerry Eugen at Dark Matter, things stay the same until the game crashed and I reopened the game. Before the crash, I skipped time to see what happens. Kerry disappears from the club but his car remains outside. The Us Cracks and the crowds remain in the club and nothing changes. The club doesn't return to its normal state. I skipped like 10 hours of time in the game.
- In several rescue missions like the one where you have to cool the netrunner and carry her to Wakako Okada's car, you are throwing her in the trunk. Which is odd because you wouldn't put someone you rescue in the trunk!
- Many times when you're in a mission and listening to the dialogue, the audio from other random characters will overpower the mission dialogue.
- Often in combat and hostile areas you can hear other characters insult you as if they are close by. They could be across the street, in a different building, or a block away. But they sound like they are talking in your ears!
- Often the text box over characters heads [or maybe it's TV subtitles, not sure] will remain on screen even if you didn't engage them or you are no longer near them. I had to finish several missions with the box containing "..." staying on the screen. Even when I was on the other side of the Night City!
- Reloading the game from a save doesn't necessarily come back with the same weather conditions. In the mission with Judy where we try to take out the guy who manages Cloud, the mission starts foggy on the roof. When I fell down and reloaded, it was clear skies. Not sure if that's a bug.
- Running or driving fast will mean assets, texture, and other objects won't load or render correctly. You can see them go through the stages of loading a low res version, the medium res, then high res!
- It's not clear which weapons cause more damage to what kind of characters. I'm not sure what the DPS means, damage per shot? The weapon stats are convoluted, maybe need more explanation.
- I had to learn most of the game mechanics on my own. Because the game didn't do a good job of introducing me.
- You cannot try any Braindances besides the ones the missions make you. From the mission dialogues the braindances are described as realistic and seriously messed up VR-like recordings obtained from torture and murder. My guess is CDPR thought it could attract the wrong kind of audience and that's why they nerf the feature. But they could have included other kinds of braindances that aren't produced by predators and human filths!
- There are no taxis or public transport! The quick travel kiosks are cool but shouldn't there be the trains/AVs running between the stations?
- You don't see much of the TV anchors and the reality TV shows that were used in the promotional material. Matter of fact besides the TVs in the elevators they don't make an appearance at all. I remember this one guy in the yellow jacket hosting a TV show with a prize of robotic limbs. What happened to that?
- It's really difficult to make money in the game besides selling weapons you collect. You can't afford a car or mods until way too many mission in.
- Many parts of the city are not included in the main story. Serious waste of potential.
- No car repair shops or garages for customization!
- Besides the main story mission, there isn't much to do. The small quests and missions are nice but they can be very similar.
- How come we can't get to fly AVs in this game?
It's a huge shame the game doesn't use the PS5 direct storage access to load assets and textures. Because a lot of the performance issues seem to be related to loading data. One can only hope CDPR implements this in the next gen version of the games. Sigh.
Despite all this, I enjoyed the main story when these bugs didn’t break my immersion. Maybe when the next gen console version are released it’ll look good too but right now I feel very disappointed. This game requires next gen consoles/hardware and even then you need to wait for the next gen update.
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