Quest tracking keeps changing

While I'm driving to a location my marker keeps silently changing to a different quest, usually a delemain related quest even though the quest I am tracking is still available to complete and not finished or failed. This is extremely confusing, disorienting and makes me drive in the wrong direction until I notice it.

I can't submit a bug report because I don't know how to upload save files, Is there some setting to stop the game from randomly changing my quest marker?
Sorry, to be clear, I wasn't being facetious.

Your issue might be different to the auto quest tracking issues as it seems to happen more spontaneously, but one of the recent updates brought auto quest tracking into the game and it constantly makes you track main mission quests. Usually it doesn't happen when you've already got a quest tracked although this has happened to me several times after reloading, especially back to an Autosave. I don't think I've had it happen spontaneously while driving, though, so again, maybe your issue really is a bug and not this egregiously annoying 'feature'.
I didn't think you were being facetious I thought you were infuriated, like you said. I just thought I'd post an update on what I was doing, since even if Red considered it a feature it still helps to add an extra voice.

In my save file "Epistrophy: Wellsprings" consistently steals tracking from an "Undiscovered" sidejob (this sidejob is actually "Raymond Chandler Evening") as I drive towards it, so I thought I'd send a save file to Red and post an update here in case anyone was curious.
It's not the case for each quests which are triggered by calls?
But it should be particularely obvious and particularely annoying with Delamain, who keep calling you regularely and all around the map as long as you didn't complete his quests. I'm not really sure, but I know I'm used to check my journal each time I receive a call to be sure the quest I'm following didn't switch to the new one...
I do check tracking every time I receive a call and that changes tracking sometimes, but I don't receive calls or any sound when a quest steals focus.

What happens is the GPS line and tracked quest silently changes from the quest I manually tracked to the stealing quest. Sometimes I catch it pretty quickly but often I don't notice until I've been driving away from the quest I wanted to do for a while. The Delamain quests are an example where it's predictable enough to trigger on a specific road making sending a save possible but other quests including the main quests have also stolen tracking.
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