During the upcoming stream, we're planning to host a short Q&A session with our devs.
If you have any burning questions about Dogtown and its characters, police systems, new skills and perks or car combat, drop them here!
Thank you for flooding us with questions! We squeezed as many as we could into our streams. In addition to that, here are the answers to some of the remaining questions: https://forums.cdprojektred.com/index.php?threads/redstreams-q-a-space.11118076/page-7#post-13645585
If you have any burning questions about Dogtown and its characters, police systems, new skills and perks or car combat, drop them here!
Thank you for flooding us with questions! We squeezed as many as we could into our streams. In addition to that, here are the answers to some of the remaining questions: https://forums.cdprojektred.com/index.php?threads/redstreams-q-a-space.11118076/page-7#post-13645585
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