Rocket boots from Fingers ripper are wonky as hecc


If you didn't murder Fingers (or went to him before he was relevant to the plot), you can buy some Rocket Boots with Hover Action™.

Using these things is downright horrible.

First, they activate too early, so I can't bunny hop at all with them. It says 'hold jump key to activate boosters', but this should be 1s or 1.5s, because it just kills regular jumping.
They activate even if you just tap the space bar twice.

The hover itself also kills any forward momentum you had, so accidentally enabling them while bunnyhopping (which is all the damn time), destroys your bunny hopping.

Until, and if you ever fix this, what can I edit in the ini files that increases the duration of the 'hold to press' trigger? The forward momentum killing can take a backseat, cause if I can still bunny hop, at least the rocket boots will coushion my fall, instead of dying all the time from slipping on a pebble.
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