Found a neat little mod made by Scissors123454321 / @at37777777 which fix a couple of bugs in patch 1.5.
Here's the list of fixes:
PS: Pretty cool that modders can provide fixes like that, reminds me of the "Unofficial Patches" from Skyrim/Fallout.

Simple Gameplay Bug Fixes
Collection of simple bug fixes for Cyberpunk's gameplay.

Here's the list of fixes:
- Legendary Sonic Shock and Cripple Movement passive effects no longer trigger enemies' alerted state.
- Legendary Weapon Glitch and Reboot Optics daemon uploads no longer trigger the quickhack cooldown or RAM cost.
- Bosses and boxing enemies will no longer have indirect access to combat stims.
- The Cyberpsycho in Downtown (in a garage) is now a proper boss enemy.
- Enemies will no longer instantly aggro when V turns off a camera, jacks into a vending machine, etc. when their detection bar is filling up.
- Aaron McCarlson will no longer attack V when they meet again.
- Optical Camo less prone to causing bugs with V's visibility.
- AntiVirus will no longer work when on cooldown.
- Berserk's defensive stats all properly work now, and Berserk Armor Bonus multiplies armor, as would be expected.
- Hard Motherfucker had it's description fixed from saying it lasted 1 second.
- Leg Up will no longer apply its movement speed bonus upon reloading a save.
- Burst attack weapons had their formula corrected to properly indicate their attacks per second.
- Submachine guns will no longer spawn with handgun scopes.
- High quality Defenders will correctly spawn with special effects similar to other weapons.
- Disabled finishers on cyberpsychos that would auto-kill them, skipping the defeated phase.
- Disabled double XP from first KOing an enemy, and then killing them.
- Enemies will now react to projectile launcher explosions.
- All types of weapons will correctly display when they shoot multiple projectiles.
- Tech and Power icons have been fixed.
- Burya sights have been fixed.
- Nekomata no longer shakes when aiming and fully charged.
PS: Pretty cool that modders can provide fixes like that, reminds me of the "Unofficial Patches" from Skyrim/Fallout.