Small quality of life changes that I think would be great.

On keyboard and mouse, the dodge binding's are pretty frustrating. Often times I accidentally double click a directional key and smash into an NPC and it causes everyone to freak out. Or I accidentally dodge off of something, like a roof or ledge. I think making the dodge remappable would be great. You also can't dodge horizontally on keyboard as well. Another thing that would be great is a hold to walk/toggle walk binding. It's kind of odd having to follow an NPC while you move at a pace that's faster than them. I'd also like to have the ability to walk in other situations, like during combat, or when in interiors. This also feeds into the dodge binding as well because I tend also accidentally dodge while following an NPC because I have to stop and move a lot while following. These are just 2 things that I think would make the game feel and play better : )) Edit: Thought of 2 other things that'd make the game more enjoyable; I really like fortified ankles and I think it'd be cool if you can adjust the charge of the jump. If it's a small jump you want, hold space for less time, if it's a big jump, more time. Also manually aiming the projectile launcher grenades please. They just kinda auto track to civilian NPCs a lot and it's annoying.
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You can dodge horizontally on keyboard tho, just double tap left or right and works just fine ? Totally agree on the walk toggle tho
Doesn't make sense because on controller you double tap crouch. Why didn't they just make it double tap L-Shift?
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