[Suggestion] Add all alt-art card counts together

[Suggestion] Add all alt-art card counts together

When you open kegs, you'll see a number owned of that card when choosing which to keep. But if it's an alt-art card, (Crones, blue strip commandos, reaver hunters, the witchers, etc.), you'll only see the count for that art version. This isn't a huge deal, but it's something that should be fixed as it's confusing to new players.

In fact, the way alt art cards are handled needs to be reconsidered. Having 3 piles for 1 card is weird. They should be mashed together in a triptych in the card collection to indicate this is one title of card that has 3 art versions. And then when you select it, you can select 3 of the ones you own to put in your deck.

Loving Gwent, it's a lot of fun.

Already suggested it. I hope they somehow count them together. I hate having to mill that 1 alt art card because it doesnt count like i have all 3 already.
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