suggestion: Unified steering control for all cars

I really like the stiffer and less responsive steering in 2.0 when cars drive faster. I also use steering sens set to 0 and I drive with mouse and keyboard. However some vehicles are too twitchy:

The saguaro uparmored pickup truck
The arch nazare

The nazare should be like the apollo, the apollo is nice because you can really hit full left or right key and it slowly shifts to the other side. On the nazare I feel like I have to just tap the turning in very small intervals because it reacts so fast to steering.

Also why not have the option to set all vehicles (cars sepearate from bikes) to have the same steering sensitivity? Because in real life a sports car may be able to turn faster, however in almost every driving situation in real lief or in cyberpunk, I want to make slow precise turns, not turn in a hairpin curve. A lot of fine control for steering is lost in faster vehicles just to allow it to turn superfast when you never really use it.

It could be an option in the settings: "unified steering for all cars"
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