Thank you CD Project Red

Thank you CD Project Red

From the very first game of Gwent whilst playing The Witcher 3 I was, like most of us, hooked! I actually never finished the game itself but spent over 200 hours perfecting my deck, doing missions for cards and competing in the in game tourneys.

The stress test last night was no exception; I played game after game until I couldn't find another opponent.

I'd just like to say that for the most part the Gwent standalone has lived up to my expectations.

The devs have worked out the psychological aspects of playing Gwent against a human player to perfection by making the cursor movements of both players visible to each other. Absolutely awesome feature and I look forward to playing mind games with the opposition.

Obviously those decks weren't very balanced and there were a few funny bugs where cards didn't do what the said or did more than they should be able to; Felton could make copies of silver cards for instance and I think the board had a serious Roach infestation.

Just wanted to say thanks for the good work!
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