The mulligan way is simply uncompetitive after the latest patch (June 13, 2017)

The mulligan way is simply uncompetitive after the latest patch (June 13, 2017)

It's might be too soon to say perhaps but I can tell you that Francesca is still not a feasible way to rank up. If being lucky enough, you are only able to mulligan 7 or 8 cards at max but normally you can only do that for about 5-6 cards. Comparing to the similar reveal style of NG, they have Vattier, Leo, Cahir, Albrich, Cynthia, Alchemist, Knight while ST have nothing but the leader and a bronze V.Officer.
Cards that you mulligan before rounds also counts. So it is three officers + another three from Francesca + three before first round and two from second and third rounds. 11 mulligans in total.

I do not know how competitive Francesca would be after the patch but there it is.
They haven't implemented any silver or gold having synergy with that archetype yet, that's why it's kind of uncompetitive by itself. You can try to compensate by powerful all around silver and gold and push it higher in the rank thanks to that, but that's not really the archetype's strength itself anymore.
I wouldn't be surprised if they change several ST gold/silver that are out of any archetype and underplayed right now into cards complementing this archetype.
Until then, yeah that's probably not going to give impressive result.

Imo Saesenthessis for example needs to be reworked as a card part of the mulligan achetype. She's part of the starter deck, and the starter deck's leader is francesca, meaning the starter deck can already mulligan 8 times without even any bronze's help. There would be no problem changing that card, especially since no one play it if they have something else to put instead.
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It's getting better I think. It 's the deck I set out to build since open beta but it was too weak so I just have to change to Spell deck. Ciri-dash and Saskia works well. Aerilenn is quite good too since you will mulligan the Wardancers and play some V-officers, you can get 5 elves on the board quite fast. I also put in Toruviel. It surprises opponent expecting to win the round when Toruviel pops out same time with Aerilenn.

I don't feel it's competitive yet but at least I am having more fun with it in casual matches.

Meh. If they add to this and improve will it be yet another faction where your opponent sits there and watches while you go through your hand/deck/graveyard while we see a black stripe and text game. Cause we need more factions that do that.
Its alright - its a fun archetype, providing you can thin your deck efficiently. Some silver and gold support would be good though - I'm not quite sure what they were thinking with Scoiatel golds in particular, they just don't seem to work in archetypes since Open Beta. Isengrim could easily have been changed to support Mulligan but no.
SkippyHole;n8897000 said:
Isengrim could easily have been changed to support Mulligan but no.

Which brings us to the question: Where do the ambush cards fit? They seem fun but have no solid idea what to play them with.

I don't think there is supposed to be a mulligan or ambush archetype as the theme itself would be too OP..

Same as NG people say that the reveal archetype needs some buffs.. but.. the reveal theme is too OP by itself..

Imo reveal, ambush and mulligan should be included in hybrid decks which use more than one "theme" or "archetype" as you like to call it...
fartingunicorn;n8897180 said:
Which brings us to the question: Where do the ambush cards fit? They seem fun but have no solid idea what to play them with.

They're supposed to be played with mercs. The trouble is mercs are problematic with certain cards, like BMC, unless you always mulligan every BMC away. I mean, a merc at two means you lose 2 pts to put out a bronze special, which have wildly different values depending on circumstances. Some can be big point swings under ideal conditions (thunderbolt, lacerate, shackles, to name a few). Many are going to be undervalued compared to some bronze units able to better fill the same role (case and point, trapper vs lacerate). In any case it's hard to have solid control over the value on a merc.

Sappers at 7 still seems low. Pulling back mercs makes it a 9-13 pt card, which is moderate to decent compared to other options at first glance. Most dwarves are going to provide better value due to synergy with other dwarves, however. The biggest issue is, again, it's hard to have solid control over Sapper value for a variety of reasons.

Morenn is valid, especially because 5 damage can drop/stop a number of setup cards. But other cards can too, with more control over what you're shutting down. Toruvial can work too. A major drawback to her is having her get locked though.

TBH, I find most ST options are fine to win a round. The issue is they are forced to burn too many cards for their setups to do it, and run out of steam for the other rounds. And, as big of a change as it may be, I think the faction needs cards to interact with it's own graveyard. Say, a rework of healers to work like medic type units. Every other faction can bring back units or mass spawn them, with basic units, except ST. For this reason everyone else can re-setup and re-play important units/combos. ST cannot do so....
Restlessdingo32;n8897530 said:
TBH, I find most ST options are fine to win a round. The issue is they are forced to burn too many cards for their setups to do it, and run out of steam for the other rounds.

They lack a win condition.

ST is on a very weird position now. Also, they tried to give it several different archetypes but all of them seems... well, unfinished. A pity, on CB ST was the faction with most utility and provided a wide range of options... now you are restricted to some half-finished archetypes that the game wants (forces) you to play with but dont really gives you all the tools you need.
Laveley;n8898330 said:
They lack a win condition.

ST is on a very weird position now. Also, they tried to give it several different archetypes but all of them seems... well, unfinished. A pity, on CB ST was the faction with most utility and provided a wide range of options... now you are restricted to some half-finished archetypes that the game wants (forces) you to play with but dont really gives you all the tools you need.

I've been running a Dwarf deck lately. Several matchups are tough but it feels like it at least has a chance to beat anything ... Not sure how it holds up at higher MMR either... The main reason for going that route is it feels necessary to bring tempo and have a way to, at the very least, force most other decks to try and stop carry-over or ideally manage to gain some for future rounds. Everything else seems to have trouble keeping pace with other factions for 2 rounds. Dunno, maybe I'm missing something.
I tried mulligan for a while because I though it might be interesting. It is fun but it gets boring, the strategies are always the same and as it has been said it lacks a silver or bronze synergy. But regarding Francesca before the open beta, now she seems like she has a tailored deck, which is nice.
panerola;n8900810 said:
I tried mulligan for a while because I though it might be interesting. It is fun but it gets boring, the strategies are always the same and as it has been said it lacks a silver or bronze synergy. But regarding Francesca before the open beta, now she seems like she has a tailored deck, which is nice.

I try to be a bit...imaginative with my silvers to fend off boredom. Just now I'm having fun with Bekker twisted mirror, Sumoning circle, and Necromancy. I'm not a great player and play mostly casual, I'm not winning big but I'm not losing big either, so it's ok.
Restlessdingo32;n8900590 said:
I've been running a Dwarf deck lately. Several matchups are tough but it feels like it at least has a chance to beat anything ... Not sure how it holds up at higher MMR either... The main reason for going that route is it feels necessary to bring tempo and have a way to, at the very least, force most other decks to try and stop carry-over or ideally manage to gain some for future rounds. Everything else seems to have trouble keeping pace with other factions for 2 rounds. Dunno, maybe I'm missing something.

Dwarfs right now are probably the most viable build. However, they are an all-in strategy that has several counterplays that arent even "tech cards". I mean, i simply d-bomb which people use for several different reason can cost you the game. I dont remember the last time i saw a dwarf build on ranked.
Laveley;n8905790 said:
Dwarfs right now are probably the most viable build. However, they are an all-in strategy that has several counterplays that arent even "tech cards". I mean, i simply d-bomb which people use for several different reason can cost you the game. I dont remember the last time i saw a dwarf build on ranked.

ATM I'm only at just shy of 2.3k with just Dwarves. It feels like 3k+ is definitely possible, though. I don't know if it can hold up past that or not. Oddly, Monsters feels like the hardest matchup (more oddly, consume feels tougher than weather, due to limited control for dwarves). It's not smooth sailing either, as 90% of the game is finding a way to avoid the plethora of cards capable of shutting down carry-over. But it's how it goes I guess.
Restlessdingo32;n8910580 said:
ATM I'm only at just shy of 2.3k with just Dwarves. It feels like 3k+ is definitely possible, though.

Sorry to disappoint you, but 2,3k can be achieved with almost anything + brains right now. 3k still a little hard to achieve, but that wont mean much a week from now too.
Laveley;n8910670 said:
Sorry to disappoint you, but 2,3k can be achieved with almost anything + brains right now. 3k still a little hard to achieve, but that wont mean much a week from now too.

I figured as much, which is why I haven't put much weight into it. It would appear the top players are already over 4k, so even 2-3k feels meaningless. And I imagine any and every mistake, no matter how small, can and likely would be a loss at the top. All of the above is why I made earlier statements. I just haven't personally tried dwarves/ST at a high enough MMR to know if it can compete with top decks at high MMR. But, again, the other options feel incomplete or as if they underperform against stronger decks/factions even at low MMR.
Can Avallac'h pull gold cards? I'm working on Mulligan deck and already have Ciri-dash and currently use Royal degree to increase my chance.

(I was thinking to make it a new topic but I have less than 10 posts so I can't do it yet, sorry)
fartingunicorn;n8923420 said:
Can Avallac'h pull gold cards? I'm working on Mulligan deck and already have Ciri-dash and currently use Royal degree to increase my chance.

(I was thinking to make it a new topic but I have less than 10 posts so I can't do it yet, sorry)

I think he can, but I can guarantee 100% (I seem to recall last match I pulled a Yen Con, but not sure, sure).
But why Royal Decree? If you go full mulligan you have enough options for drawing the card you want, in this case I think using RD is a wasted gold slot.
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