Tournament Platform Feedback & Bug Megathread

I hope you will find this new tool useful for all your tournament needs!
We're aware of some minor bugs still present, hence the "Open Beta" status of this release. With your help and feedback, we hope to improve on the existing foundation and committed to supporting this project with updates and fixes as often as possible.
Pro tip: read this section to get an understanding of how this tool works, if your question isn't covered by that guide, feel free to drop it here!

Hi, system is great. All we needed to organize tournaments is now in one big platform.
Bug - can't load image for organization.
Wish - please add Telegram to contacts section. There are a lot of people who mostly use Telegram over other social. Mail is universal, but not that fast and comfortable.
What a great product for the competitive Gwent scene! Something really important though: In an open decklist format, the decks should only be viewable once the tournament has started. At the moment, people can view the decks of other participants before submitting their own, which gives an unfair advantage.
Hi! Awesome work right here, but there is a single question, how do i edit a bracket as admin in crusial situations like disconects? As i understand i could change match result, but platform moves forward the guy who got win anyway and i could not edit it( It simply makes impossible to replay any disconection on the event( Look through screenshot below to understand what i am talking about)

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So I just clicked on Organization in tournament and got to owners panel. I'm not owner of this organization but seems that I can manage it. (Didn't try it for obvious reasons? so maybe it's only visual, but at least I can see all admins).

P.S. contacted owner and tried adding myself to admins, but nothing happend, so it's really only visual.
@Burza46 @SlamaTwoFlags @ThorSerpent


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Hi! Awesome work right here, but there is a single question, how do i edit a bracket as admin in crusial situations like disconects? As i understand i could change match result, but platform moves forward the guy who got win anyway and i could not edit it( It simply makes impossible to replay any disconection on the event( Look through screenshot below to understand what i am talking about)

View attachment 11055626

Shouldn't work like this - manually editing match results should affect the bracket accordingly. We'll work on a fix. Thanks for the report!

So I just clicked on Organization in tournament and got to owners panel. I'm not owner of this organization but seems that I can manage it. (Didn't try it for obvious reasons? so maybe it's only visual, but at least I can see all admins).

P.S. contacted owner and tried adding myself to admins, but nothing happend, so it's really only visual.
@Burza46 @SlamaTwoFlags @ThorSerpent
Thanks for the report, looks like a visual bug, indeed.
Hi, I have a small problem with my tournament. Even though I edited result of a match it doesn't put correct player into the next round. How am I suppose to solve such issues?


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Some main screen interface feedback for things that I think could be better:
  1. Tournaments should probably be organized by the one that starts nearest in terms of time instead of farthest. It'd make more sense for users to see what are the closest tournaments coming to check out or to sign up for instead of which ones are furthest away. Alternatively, add a filter option to sort in ascending/descending order.
  2. I feel like finished tournaments should be hidden by default as to not "clutter" up the main page, again - if anyone wants to check those out they can always filter by them or look for specific ones.
  3. Perhaps add a "Featured Tournaments" at the top of the screen or something? I don't know how difficult it would be to maintain, but it'd be neat to see a section of select "high-profile" tournaments to sign up for or to check out.
  4. Probably could use a report function of some sort in case someone creates a tournament with an inappropriate name and/or description, just for safety reasons.
I think that's about all I got for now off the top of my head. Thanks for working on the platform, can't wait to see what other changes or additions it gets over time :)
Hi, first look feedback.

User settings:
In user settings after clicking ‘save’ there is no confirmation (popup) that saving happened.

Organization setting and organization creation:
In organization details, there is no place to put website url.
One communication option should be marked as “During tournament use this one”.
Description setting in the organization doesn’t let add clickable links.
The description doesn’t save new lines.
I wasn’t able to save organization avatar, no error popup.

Tournament creation:
In the tournament description, there is no way to set a custom image. With generic one, it is hard to separate professional tournaments from player-based.
Not sure why user needs to still choose “Decks deadline date” and “Decks format open” when earlier you choose “Leaders” only.

In swiss setting “Amount of loses” it is not explained what does this option do.😉
In tournament creation when adding streamers and admins, their avatars don’t show up, so the user is not sure if he is adding the correct person.

It would be nice if there would be some iframe element to add live info about the tournament on other websites (title, image, number of players signed in already).

During tournament:
In problem reporting should be info that “screenshot” is usually required to proceed with the problem report.

Website general:
Main tournament page doesn’t seem to have any pagination and will have infinity length.
I'm organizing a tournament which limits ppl to using stockpile leader only. I also need to check if they can meet the criteria or not so I turned on the "pick and ban" option. Unfortunately that option has a minimum of 2 decks and 1 ban which is not suitable for the tournament I'm trying to create because the participants only need 1 specific deck in order to join. If you just reduce the minimum to 1 and 0 respectively I can easily arrange tournaments such as these in the future.

First of all, congratulations for this amazing tool. This is a huge milestone for tournament creators. I have a few questions regarding some of your features.

1. How do ties work for the tournament development? I don't see any specifications about what happens in case of a tie in a game. Is there any chance to set rules about ties or will be rematch only?

2. I'm trying to create a Round Robin league that will be played during two months (2 rounds per week, giving the flexibility to play whenever the players can) but I want to allow changing decks for each round. Is there a chance to make a feature that enables players to send new decks for each round instead of having the same ones until the end? (I unverified the decks after rounds, but this didn't allow them to send new ones).

Also, I see that I can enable all rounds at once, but players can't play rounds in any order, they have to play the first round before the second, it would be perfect to let them start the pick and ban phase without following the order as they gonna play against everyone eventually.

PD: I set the W/D/L points to 3 1 0 but the wins gave them only 2 points and the losses 0.

Thank you for your time!
Hi, I have a small problem with my tournament. Even though I edited result of a match it doesn't put correct player into the next round. How am I suppose to solve such issues?

I'm afraid you can't fix it by yourself, but we'll work on the fix asap

Some main screen interface feedback for things that I think could be better:
  1. Tournaments should probably be organized by the one that starts nearest in terms of time instead of farthest. It'd make more sense for users to see what are the closest tournaments coming to check out or to sign up for instead of which ones are furthest away. Alternatively, add a filter option to sort in ascending/descending order.
  2. I feel like finished tournaments should be hidden by default as to not "clutter" up the main page, again - if anyone wants to check those out they can always filter by them or look for specific ones.
  3. Perhaps add a "Featured Tournaments" at the top of the screen or something? I don't know how difficult it would be to maintain, but it'd be neat to see a section of select "high-profile" tournaments to sign up for or to check out.
  4. Probably could use a report function of some sort in case someone creates a tournament with an inappropriate name and/or description, just for safety reasons.
I think that's about all I got for now off the top of my head. Thanks for working on the platform, can't wait to see what other changes or additions it gets over time :)

Awesome feedback, thanks!
1) I agree, we'll look into rearranging current logic.
2) Yep, it also makes sense.
3) We have this feature already:)
4) While we don't have a designated report system for things like that - you can report problematic submission using standard methods - i.e. support tickets, or reaching out to us here or on socials.

Hi, first look feedback.

User settings:
In user settings after clicking ‘save’ there is no confirmation (popup) that saving happened.

Organization setting and organization creation:
In organization details, there is no place to put website url.
One communication option should be marked as “During tournament use this one”.
Description setting in the organization doesn’t let add clickable links.
The description doesn’t save new lines.
I wasn’t able to save organization avatar, no error popup.

Tournament creation:
In the tournament description, there is no way to set a custom image. With generic one, it is hard to separate professional tournaments from player-based.
Not sure why user needs to still choose “Decks deadline date” and “Decks format open” when earlier you choose “Leaders” only.

In swiss setting “Amount of loses” it is not explained what does this option do.😉
In tournament creation when adding streamers and admins, their avatars don’t show up, so the user is not sure if he is adding the correct person.

It would be nice if there would be some iframe element to add live info about the tournament on other websites (title, image, number of players signed in already).

During tournament:
In problem reporting should be info that “screenshot” is usually required to proceed with the problem report.

Website general:
Main tournament page doesn’t seem to have any pagination and will have infinity length.

Thanks for your feedback, many good points there!

I'm organizing a tournament which limits ppl to using stockpile leader only. I also need to check if they can meet the criteria or not so I turned on the "pick and ban" option. Unfortunately that option has a minimum of 2 decks and 1 ban which is not suitable for the tournament I'm trying to create because the participants only need 1 specific deck in order to join. If you just reduce the minimum to 1 and 0 respectively I can easily arrange tournaments such as these in the future.

Hm, I must admit we didn't design this with such exotic type of tournaments in mind. I'll see what we can do about that.


First of all, congratulations for this amazing tool. This is a huge milestone for tournament creators. I have a few questions regarding some of your features.

1. How do ties work for the tournament development? I don't see any specifications about what happens in case of a tie in a game. Is there any chance to set rules about ties or will be rematch only?

2. I'm trying to create a Round Robin league that will be played during two months (2 rounds per week, giving the flexibility to play whenever the players can) but I want to allow changing decks for each round. Is there a chance to make a feature that enables players to send new decks for each round instead of having the same ones until the end? (I unverified the decks after rounds, but this didn't allow them to send new ones).

Also, I see that I can enable all rounds at once, but players can't play rounds in any order, they have to play the first round before the second, it would be perfect to let them start the pick and ban phase without following the order as they gonna play against everyone eventually.

PD: I set the W/D/L points to 3 1 0 but the wins gave them only 2 points and the losses 0.

Thank you for your time!

Hello! Please see my answers below:
1) As of now, resolution of ties is connected to the type of the bracket - in Swiss ties never replayed, in Eliminations - always replayed. Adding more flexibility to these settings is in our backlog.
2) Don't want to say it's impossible, but it sounds rather complicated. Perfectly understand your specifics needs here, but can't promise we can make it happen anytime soon.
3) can you please link your tournament with W/D/L points bug here?
First of all, I started to play for the first time in months due to lack of time.
The idea behind it is that I can only play few games per week(training as Burza, he knows how it is) so I can't grind ladder as in Beta. I have good amount of cards without most cards of latest patches.

So I created a organization to create a fast tourneys without meta cards:
For me this is like new mode of GWENT which is actually for me and players like me which follows. game mostly from streams. We can now go back and start again to enjoy playing it.

This is the idea of rules.
Quick rules:
1. Be present on our discord's channel #live-tournament when tournament starts.
2. Tourney setup:
- Best of 1
- Double elimination
- Random coinflip
- Decks: 2 decklists, 1 ban
3. In tournament description you will find 5 gold cards which are banned.
If you notice that your opponent use one of these cards, let us know on #live-tournament Participant will be banned from the tourney.
4. Winner get a 'King' badge on our Discord channel.
And can choose next 5 cards which will be banned in next tourney.
5 banned cards from this tourney:
- Morkvarg: Heart of Terror
- Ethereal
- Masquarade Ball
- Bomb Heaver

The most problematic issues:
1. Tourneys index page, where you can't order them by date when they starts.
2. Should be easy way to categorize tourneys: profesional, meme, short, long, streamers etc. etc.
So I can save my filter settings and monitor them daily if there are some new interesting tourneys.
Because I am not interested in profesionall and long tourneys with tier 1 decks. Right now index page is for me ureadable.
3. The hard but I think great feature would be to add an option to ban specific cards from the tourney, so we would need an validation of the deck. But I know its a bigger feature.
4. In some time would be nice that some organizations(partners to GWENT) could get their custom titles, so for example winners of tourneys of given organization can enable it in the game.
5. Would be nice to allow only play one faction and one deck. For example I want to organize tourney today only for Monster decks without etheral.

Great feature hope it will take some amount of your backlog in the wider future.

BEST regards to the team,
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Suggestion. There should be a way for organizer to see who tried to archive his tournament, if that tournament have many admins.
The website has big problems during bigger events, and is losing stability: "Error 503 Backend fetch failed".

In swiss format, if caster keeps being in his casual game his invite for casting doesn't pop up later.

Swiss round 2 didn't start for Us.
We tried to change to manual matches and putting results into the website, but then the system started adding new matches to round 2 each time we reported some results. We got to a situation of infinite round 2. We were forced to end the tournament.

There is no way to pause or end the tournament because of technical reasons. So we were forced to move it to archived.

Even both players send to Us screens of them in the main game window, their match didn't start, and logs showed this:
36 minutes ago, 15 Aug, 18:00
match(xXMORDUSXx vs Cytrynka777) error create {
"error": "bad_request",
"error_description": "New match for player can\u0027t be created because of other match is still active: player id 48179619389798195, active match id 4331"

There is no way to resend a game invite to players in case of problems.

Sometimes icons of leaders don't load.
Coins are silver and brown instead of red and blue, what would be more informative. Maybe even word description "this player goes first" would be better.

When player report a problem, we can only say it is resolved. There is no way to ask for more info or deny.

There is no summary after tournament: who win, what was most banned deck, what decks had best win ratio etc.
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So, maybe it's just me being incompetent. But when doing a 'test' tournament, when starting the bracket in a round-robin. Neither the two participants or the spectator get an invite in the client. In the logs, it's showing:

"match(user1 vs user2) error create"

Something stupid that I've done in the creation of this to prevent the invites going out in the client?

Hi! First of all I want to express my gratitude for the tournament platform. To me, as an organizer and player, this web-site simplified tournament activities a lot. But with all the good things in it there are also defects. Something simply does not exist, something does not work as it should:
1. Incorrectly working filter. When choosing a filter "by time", you cannot return to the "Any" tab without refreshing the page, when you click on this item in the menu, there is simply no reaction. The same is with the registration filter.
2. Lack of sorting. Now the nearest tournaments are displayed at the bottom of the page, which is very inconvenient. You need to sort by time so that the nearest tournaments are the first.
3. Replays. Now replay only works in case of a draw, as far as I understand. In the event that a player lost connection, flew out of the game, or simply took the wrong deck, replays are not available. Solving the problem of replay will greatly simplify the work for the organizers and the game for the players. I don't know how it works now, but you can track the round in which the player surrendered (in the case of the wrong deck, the person surrenders almost immediately in the first round) and track the disconnect, and this can be shown in the information about the pair of playing players or separately from the organizers.
4. Tournament site moderator. If now there is no moderator for the site, then you need to hire one. This site is quite an important part of the gwent, and it needs to be cleaned of test tournaments on the main page or anything else inappropriate. It would also be nice if the moderators saw tournaments with a large number of players and sent meteorite powder to the participants themselves (now you just need to write about meteorite powder yourself). This would encourage more players to take part in tournaments.
5. Spectator-mod on the phone. When testing the site and spectator-mod, a bug was found when the decks of the participants did not open from the smartphone during the game. Also, the opponent's cards are poorly visible (screen 1, the setting with moving the camera when the enemy moves does not affect this in any way), this point is not critical, because few people will use this mode from the phone, but I thought it should be mentioned.
6. Custom tournaments. My team and I are planning to organize a team tournament. Unfortunately, the tournament platform does not provide such an opportunity. Many people would be grateful if such a setting appeared in the tournament mode in the future. Also, some people will want to make tournaments on the same ability, for example, but the site does not allow loading decks with the same abilities. This is not critical, but perhaps you will adopt it.
7. Bug with manual distribution of players. The bug manifests itself only if you do not fill the grid with participants one by one, but, for example, start from the second pair or further, then the page becomes empty (the background of the site remains screen 2), only the page refresh helps.
8. The start of the round. The most inconvenient of all is that you cannot start the next round before all the pairs from the previous one have not finished (as in the Swiss system). As a result, this greatly lengthens tournaments with a large number of participants. I think this is a very serious bug or flaw that should be resolved as soon as possible.
I have the time zone set to New York, however, it still shows MDT as the time zone and not eastern standard time. However, the tournament seems to be set to start during the eastern standard time zone but displays MDT, very confusing.


Forum veteran
3. Replays. Now replay only works in case of a draw, as far as I understand. In the event that a player lost connection, flew out of the game, or simply took the wrong deck, replays are not available. Solving the problem of replay will greatly simplify the work for the organizers and the game for the players.
I'm not sure if rematches are a good idea. A player could lose connection on purpose. It should be part of the preparation for each player to make sure that he or she has a stable connection.
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