Unable to Start Phantom Liberty When Using Old Archive

I know it's been a long time since Phantom Liberty and version 2.0 were released, but I didn't start playing Cyberpunk 2077 again until I purchased this DLC during the recent Steam promotion.

When I played Phantom Liberty using archives before version 2.0 (I had tried many different endings), unfortunately, a few hours later, I still didn't receive a phone call from someone inviting me to go to the Dogtown.

I tried to finish an ending again and found that my archives had returned to a point in time when I had just started playing the game again (skill points have not been assigned yet). I still haven't received the call. The only fortunate thing is that I can indeed play Phantom Liberty by starting a new archive, but it also means that I need to complete all the tasks and collect various things again, which is really upsetting for me.
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So you're able to load a save, but So Mi (Song Bird) don't call you?
To trigger Phantom Liberty content, you have to reach a certain point of the base game main storyline.
Finding Alt with Voodoo Boys help ("Transmission" quest)
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I bought the DLC early on when the revision was still just 2.0. I'd stopped playing Cyberpunk after finishing all of the endings, well 5, anyway, including the hidden ending with Only V and Johnny. That was 2021. Point is, I have many saves from that pre 2.0 era, and I have them in multiple backups in the CD Projekt Red folder, and that is under my C: Program Data>Users>(me)> Saved Games folder. That's a default when the game sets itself up on your computer. So my first question is: are you familiar with the game save system and can you access yours?

If you didn't do anything and you are opening the game from the existing default saves on your computer, and if that save folder -- that is named: Cyberpunk 2077 -- holds all your game saves from when you played before, then you should be able to open it and see quite a few saves.

If they are there, when you open the game and go to 'Load' you should see them. I don't know how many you will be able to see at once, but you should see quiet a few.
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If you didn't do anything and you are opening the game from the existing default saves on your computer, and if that save folder -- that is named: Cyberpunk 2077 -- holds all your game saves from when you played before, then you should be able to open it and see quite a few saves.
All the saves which are in this folder should be visible in the game and in theory, you should be able to load them.
Even if they were created prior to 2.0 (so in 1.6+, 1.5+, 1.3+, 1.2+,...) or even if you have tens and tens of saves, they should appear in the game.
> %userprofile%\Saved Games\CD Projekt Red\Cyberpunk 2077\

On side note, if the last time you played was in 2021, I guess your saves are quite "old". Knowing the amount and the "scale" of changes introduced with the 2.0 along the expansion, it might be better to restart a fresh playthrough to enjoy all the changes and have a good experience. Because ouside of the "possible" issues you could encounter by loading an old saves, your character attributes and skills will be reseted and most of your items will be a bit messed up.
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I know it's been a long time since Phantom Liberty and version 2.0 were released, but I didn't start playing Cyberpunk 2077 again until I purchased this DLC during the recent Steam promotion.

When I played Phantom Liberty using archives before version 2.0 (I had tried many different endings), unfortunately, a few hours later, I still didn't receive a phone call from someone inviting me to go to the Dogtown.

I tried to finish an ending again and found that my archives had returned to a point in time when I had just started playing the game again (skill points have not been assigned yet). I still haven't received the call. The only fortunate thing is that I can indeed play Phantom Liberty by starting a new archive, but it also means that I need to complete all the tasks and collect various things again, which is really upsetting for me.

All the saves which are in this folder should be visible in the game and in theory, you should be able to load them.
Even if they were created prior to 2.0 (so in 1.6+, 1.5+, 1.3+, 1.2+,...) or even if you have tens and tens of saves, they should appear in the game.
> %userprofile%\Saved Games\CD Projekt Red\Cyberpunk 2077\

On side note, if the last time you played was in 2021, I guess your saves are quite "old". Knowing the amount and the "scale" of changes introduced with the 2.0 along the expansion, it might be better to restart a fresh playthrough to enjoy all the changes and have a good experience. Because ouside of the "possible" issues you could encounter by loading an old saves, your character attributes and skills will be reseted and most of your items will be a bit messed up.
The point I wanted to get to involves what saves should appear in game when you go to Load, and what you might be looking for amongst them. If, for instance, your last save involved one of your new playthroughs to get to a different ending, and you had not done the series of quests involved with the Pacifica Voodoo Boys and going into cyberspace to find Johnny's old flame Alt Cunningham (it's associated with a main quest called M'ap Tann Pelen) you likely would not get that call. The call comes right after you come out of the Chapel after you've been in an ice cube filled tub and have gone beyond the black wall to talk to Alt, along with a bunch of scripted stuff that has to do with Johnny and Alt.

Because I had five different characters and their runs to their respective endings sorted out into five different backup folders, I was able to pick and choose from my previous to 2.0 saves and put what I wanted into my Cyberpunk 2077 folder. If you don't have backups like I did, I can only imagine what a mess it might be. You can probably do something like that too by trying to sort through all your saves in the Cyberpunk 2077 folder that will appear when you open the game, but like LeKill3rFou says, everything is very different now in 2.0. I went right into Dogtown, not having a clue about what had changed, (discussions on the internet had not really gone very far yet) and, though I was able to get into Dogtown, I didn't have much fun doing it because I had a lot to learn. A lot of people did what I did, I've discovered, but some, like a friend of mine, gave up playing without ever finding out what a remarkable game this new version really is.

After the 2.0 revision, Cyberpunk is almost a brand new game in terms of how it can be played. I didn't know what the new cyberware system was supposed to do -- and it is very different; and I didn't know how it coordinates in many important ways with the completely new and reimagined skill tree, not to mention with the play style I like to play that I've also had to reimagine. It took me most of a day just to get into Dogtown with the character I put together from the pieces I had left to play with. I ended up starting anew anyway, as I realized how much I didn't know.

Bottom line, though. You should have a save that will get you that call from Songbird (So Mi) that gets you into Dogtown. Probably a number of them are still there. Once in the Load Game screen you should see your level, dates, location, and even the names of the quests you were doing when the save was made. A lot depends on how you save as to what saves survived. I'd need more information to understand what saves you are loading to create the situation you describe.
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