Update 2.0

• Ciri questline right before she leaves to find Geralt and Yen​
But seriously, thanks for all the updates & hard work.​
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is this the correct file?


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    Immagine 2023-09-21 170738.png
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    Immagine 2023-09-21 173709.png
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Downloaded did not se any CPU usage increases but did not get very far. New Nvidia drivers are out too that are Cyberpunk PL game ready.
r u on GOG?
'cose i'm there and i do not see a 2.0 file... i see a 1.63...
do i have to download that and then update or i'm missing something?
What are your specs? They specifically said that older hardware wasn't tested, it might be the issue here. Wonder how my 3600+1600S will hold the game... it was fine at launch on 1080p high/medium settings.
Naw you don't understand as soon as I clicked play it crashed. that has zero to do with my hardware. has done it twice, third time went in, but was really slow loading the first loading screen. I also don't run it at max settings so my 4060 and my 5950 are just fine. Once in game things seem fine,

I like this change, it's just like the in-game world, those who don't have Cyberware are much more vaunrable to damages.
Also, the actual armor (clothing Vests for example) still give you armor.

They implied in the stream that a person could be a minimalistic cyberware user when it comes to cyberware, but it will be harder. I am sure that any normal armor(non-cyberware) will be crap when it comes to stats of any kind.Not to mention there won't be allot laying around. I got the impression they don't want people to play that way.

For argument sake it is a rpg game. I play as a minimalistic merc that isn't fond of cyberware, but will use only certain types to help. I also don't go looking for fights.
Some people play this game like they are playing GTA5 or similar.
I hope you finally fixed the issue with AZERTY keyboard, with the "change objective" forced to the W key (so Z key in Europe), making us changing the objective each time we push Forward to walk. It's really annoying. I didn't see that on the changelog.
Update looks amazing. Can't wait to jump in after work. Tons of great changes. The only thing I see that I don't like in the patch notes is this:

  • All NPCs now scale to your level. Enemy difficulty is no longer dependent on what area of Night City you're in.

Enemy scaling kinda sucks. I hate it in just about every game I've seen it in. It kills the immersion.
Played through the montage and The Rescue; great changes! From UI element audio and line adjustments to subtle changes in RTJ's No Save Point and a pock mark when hitting Dorset with the Air Hypo.

Not all is good though. Enemies briefly phase from existence when executing a stealth kill, and the audio for breaking their neck over V's knee is gone, and it's not a one-off. Everytime time that animation played it did so without sound.

EDIT: Forgot to mention the police siren during the Street Kid intro doesn't stop - the entire time throughout the dialogue with Jackie that thing kept blaring. Very annoying.

Likewise; warnings on the forum and reddit months in advance didn't seem to get CDPR's attention and now, for some reason, even with Path Tracing/RTXDI on - hair no longer casts shadows for V, and Songbird in the trailer when she's in the Relic, and briefly it seemed Mama Welles hair didn't cast shadows either - oddly though the hair did casts shadows in the character creator. I'm guessing the missing vehicle shadows from the trailers and REDStreams will be a new feature as well and weren't a result of 'work in progress'.

EDIT2: Nearly all hair cards don't cast shadows, and the headlights are on all the time. What the hell is going on?

That's not good at all and it's really going to tick off the photography community when they realize "something's not right". I don't understand how you guys managed to bungle that one when RTXDI does the work for you. Please fix.

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Well I think the expansion won't really change things in the first act. that's why I said they can play Act 1 without a problem.
I would really like to know.

@Alicja. Can you confirm, please? I want to play through Act 1 before PL but I want to be sure there weren't other than minor cosmetical changes.
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With all these new secrets and the like, I'm wondering how much utility the Piggyback Interactive Map will have going forward; I'm still hopeful that it will be updated (though I also wanted the hardcover guide, the major benefit of my purchase of that was definitely the interactive map) but I suppose we'll have to see.

Regardless, though looking forward to see the new Cyberpunk!
I found a BUG during the quest The Gift. I am not able to quickhack the camera to upload the daemon ping. It says I have "INSUFFICIENT RAM AVAILABLE" even with 6 RAM slots available.

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