Update 2.0

I can discuss with Johnny in the apartment about Alt and Rogue :)
Is it new in 2.0 or I always missed it since well... since years?
Cyberpunk 2077-2023_10_02-10_39_17.jpg
I still have 1.63 running, and can check it for ya.
If you wish and if it don't bother you :)
I can't say exactly when it's during the main story, it's my first visit in the apartment since I leave it at the beginning of Act 2, but at least it's after meeting Alt.
Did they ever fix that door at Ho-Oh during Gig: Monster Hunt? It's on the third floor and you either need high enough Body to force it open, or you need to find the access card. At launch, even if you found the access card, it wouldn't open, so if you didn't have enough body you just had to try to get an enemy to open it and then rush in, loot, and leave before the door closed.
I agree big time re crafting ammo. I entered Saka tower to realize I was low on ALL ammo. That's nullo problemmo with the ability to craft ammo. But in, this case, I had to use overheat and contagion, and more than half of Adam had to be beaten with Tinker Bell. Phew. Can we get ammo crafting back?

u can crafting ammo O_O


Alright here's my first feedback on this patch(warning, longpost):
1) "Oh no, the game became too difficult on very hard!! Help me, it's unfair!!!"(c)
I started a new game a few days ago, on very hard difficulty, playing without any investment into perks or attributes (just not spending them, not a single one), already lvl 23, having no issues. So complains about difficulty are meaningless. I'm lvl 23 already without any issues and without perks / attributes.
2) "Stealth pistolero is dead since revolvers can't use silencers anymore"(c)
Stealth pistolero is still absolutely viable, just have to take right perks and keep gear up to date, maybe dump some "PAX" + "EQUALIZER" mods if one is unable to oneshot in the head.
3) "Netrunners are useless now omg"(c)
I disagree, I would say they just have to adapt and start using smart weapons for takedowns and use daemons as a "debuffs" instead of damage. Tried it as well and it works and playable and enjoyable.
4) "Performance is terrible my game lags"
Performance is top notch on my machine at the moment (i'm playing on linux, ubuntu), much better than before, more so I would say each major patch performance of the game became gradually better for me, so it's probably something very specific and cannot be generalized by saying that this patch made it worse.

But I do have complains as well:
1) controller tips and controller - focused gameplay in general, its annoying for PC user
2) bugs here and there (double quest rewards, can't toggle sneak)
3) crafting is sooo dead. I never really enjoyed crafting a lot, so it's no a huge hit for me.
4) broken loot drops are not "highlighted" by a scan, which makes them hard to loot. Either remove broken drops completely or make them visible
5) not really a big fan of purely "lvl based" progress (reminds me of Skyrim for some reason - you are getting only shit early, you are floating in gold and legendaries later on). Most of the gear appears in stores based on your character level, an not out there, in the world. Being able to get amazing guns and gear as early as possible is a fantastic thing in open world rpgs, a lot of players enjoy beating "unbeatable" opponents just for the sake of challenge and good gear. To some degree one could give an agrument - you can get iconics, they will be usefull through the entire game, but the problem is - vast majority of them are locked behind the "heist" quest, so untill then you are forced to roam watsons with whatever you found / bought at the store.
6) some perks are wierd, for example - the perk that reduces charge time for tech guns. Since tech guns now are heavily focused on "bolt" ability, making a dynamic and stackable charge time reduction just messes up the timing that you are used to. More so, some guns have very low charge time which make it almost impossible to consistently land those bolts.
I liked crafting things. but it is unfinished and even though you have taken the skills to create it, it would be better if you could create it like in the witcher, weapons from the gunsmith, firearms from the gunsmith who sells firearms, and katanas and clubs from the one who sells melee weapons. it would be nice to roleplay it. And you can also put the 3D printer in the apartment V, or in the trunk of the car, or a machine. The character creates difficult-to-build objects without tools with his bare hands. excuse me for mistakes, then google translator. I write in Ukrainian, I don't know English.
I cannot start a thread so I will post it here:

Bolt is an awful ability. I understand they want a skill based ability, but the timing on this thing is ridiculous. Maybe it varies with the weapon type, but with Scorch, I can barely achieve about 1 in 3 outside combat. Inside combat, there are other things to focus on besides an absolutely minute time window and it is maybe 1 in 50 of shots. There is no visual feedback at all to indicate when you should release.

It also is directly anti synergistic with 2 perks that require this talent. Firstly and most obviously, the ability that allows you to hold a max charge without firing until you chose to do so requiring an ability that specifically requires you not to be at max charge is just achingly stupid. Secondly, the ability which increases charge speed after releasing your bolt and stacks 3 times is also ridiculous. The window is TINY as it is with no visual cue, and now the window gets even smaller and does so incrementally, meaning you have to get the muscle memory for 4 different timings? This is beyond stupid.

Look, just have it trigger at max charge. Players will actually be able to use it effectively and then associated abilities will vaguely make sense. Bolt is functionally a dead mechanic and just makes you feel bad when you don't pull it off, not rewarded when you do. It actively makes the gameplay worse.
I cannot start a thread so I will post it here:

Bolt is an awful ability. I understand they want a skill based ability, but the timing on this thing is ridiculous. Maybe it varies with the weapon type, but with Scorch, I can barely achieve about 1 in 3 outside combat. Inside combat, there are other things to focus on besides an absolutely minute time window and it is maybe 1 in 50 of shots. There is no visual feedback at all to indicate when you should release.

It also is directly anti synergistic with 2 perks that require this talent. Firstly and most obviously, the ability that allows you to hold a max charge without firing until you chose to do so requiring an ability that specifically requires you not to be at max charge is just achingly stupid. Secondly, the ability which increases charge speed after releasing your bolt and stacks 3 times is also ridiculous. The window is TINY as it is with no visual cue, and now the window gets even smaller and does so incrementally, meaning you have to get the muscle memory for 4 different timings? This is beyond stupid.

Look, just have it trigger at max charge. Players will actually be able to use it effectively and then associated abilities will vaguely make sense. Bolt is functionally a dead mechanic and just makes you feel bad when you don't pull it off, not rewarded when you do. It actively makes the gameplay worse.
yes it was mentioned by many players already. Bolt is a powerfull and usable ability for, let's say nekomata, but not really usable for smaller weapons because of the reasons that you've mentioned. It makes life much easier to avoid taking a perk that reduces charge time. To help you out further - there is a focus in the cool tree that slows time by 25% every time you aim with a full stamina (only for sniper rifles, precision rifles, pistols), which can be used simply by aim - shoot - delay until stamina is full - repeat. there is also kerenzikov and sandevistan to make it easier.

My main concern with the bolt is that "large" tech guns are already extremely strong even without it (since they benefit from headshot damage / crits form cool tree as well). You can do 10/10 bolts with nekomata with no problems. And small arms that could want to have an extra punch can barely even use it because of a very small window. So the idea is great in general, a skill based advantage is always better than point-and-click nobrainer, But it requires some improvements for sure (I disagree that making it go off on max charge is a good idea, but some timing tweak for smaller arms maybe or smth like that)
This situation for some reason reminds me of "overwatch" rifle that has a supressor that barely ever helps :D
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