Visual Bugs for Xbox One

Visual Bugs for Xbox One

1. Around one in 15 times weather effects wont show up they are just invisible. (Below is a image of this that was taken by a player on these forums, the mod mentioned it may have just been their client however if this specific one is affecting Xbox One then it's possibly affecting every Xbox One user.)

2. Sometimes weather effects distort the cards values making them all appear as 1's even though they could be any given number. (This ones rare have only seen it twice out of hundreds of matches.) I don't have a picture for this one. I'm also sorry I don't know the cause of it since it has a low encounter rate I'm guessing it has to deal with a card from someone elses deck being targeted for a weather effect. So for example the last time this happened that had a card with 30+ power and when the weather went over them it made that card appear as 1 even though it really wasn't.

3. When modifying my deck one time every card I was hovering over was keeping half of the previously hovered card displayed it was also affecting the larger image display at the same time as the hovered card and it was in the deck builder area. It was split like this [ | ] and half was the current hovered card and the other half was the previously hovered card.
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