Who is the best Fixer?

For me it's Rogue primarily because you have much more direct interaction with her. Heck you can even go out on a date with her. And how do you top the fact you take her to the final mission as well. None of the other fixers has this kind of direct interaction.

Regina and Hands deserve a mention because there is a lot more interaction with them than the other fixes beyond the odd vid-call. There seems to be a bit more thought into these two's story aside Rogue. El captain does get a little bit more fleshed out with the car gigs in the expansion.

But yea Rogue tops it for me primarily because you actually go on a mission or two with you.
Muammar "El Capitán" Reyes!
Because of his hairstyle... 😶
The dialogue with him in the car make me laugh out loud.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, V, boundaries, please. There's certain things I don't do halfway. I'm talkin' my clothes, my cut, my cars. I'll handle 'er myself."

Ok! Now I get it! It make sense why your car doesn't even start :p
Definitely not Regina because of Skippy.

I like the Padre. I wish he had more gigs.

Dakota is cool, but her role in the Aldecaldos kind of annoys me. She's obviously way more intelligent than Saul or Panam. Why is V tasked with settling a power struggle between Saul, a guy who's a corporate sellout who can't protect himself, and Panam, a grown woman who acts like a petulant and irrational teenager? Dakota is the obvious choice for a leader. She's cool and collected, sets up all sorts of missions and supplies guns, money, netrunning equipment and vehicles.
For me, it's a three way tie between Regina the people's fixer, Mr. Hands the power-broker, and El Capitan the Fast & Furious fixer.
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