Witchfinder Avatar Bugged

New witchfinder lady 3d avatar is bugged when using leader ability. Locks up my entire board and keeps me from playing cards for around 5 seconds after using leader ability, and after the animation is long finished.
Yeah, she has some issues for sure. Of the abilities I've tried so far Guerilla Tactics didn't seem that slow (because I was able to only use one charge in Battle Rush), but Imposter and Double Cross certainly were.

(At least the voicelines are pure gold. :D )
So, I didn't see a post about it, and it almost cost me a game today so decided to write about it.
While playing the new Octavia Hale skin with Pincer Maneuver leader, I noticed (and managed to reproduce it) that each time I activate leader there is a pause of about 4-6 seconds before the ability is triggered...
First this is irritating, but secondly can make you lose the round if you have a lot of stuff to trigger... Not to mention the "Battle Rush" event is unplayable with this...

Has anyone else noticed it?
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