Gwent Aesthetics: User Interface and Effects.


Gwent Aesthetics: User Interface and Effects.

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4RM3D;n10135682 said:
The UI of Gwent was never it's selling point. Let's be honest, even the old UI was pretty lackluster. The new UI took a step backwards in terms of aesthetics, but at least it took two big steps forward in terms of functionality. Because, for me, functionality is still more important than the look and feel, the new UI was overall a slight improvement. But it still has me worried that CDPR changed all this just to become compatible with the mobile platform. And in Gwent's current state, the trade-off is not worth it. At least make a prettier UI for PC/Console users. Even though I would like the UI to change, CDPR has more pressing matters to attend to first.

Agreed. It seems his update was made to have a unified look across console/PC and mobile which I think is a mistake. It seems the sound effects were made “cheaper” and the UI simpler (no longer flame around cards hovered but only a blue border) to be identicle to mobile which is a mistake. The higher processing power of consoles and PC should mean it looks better than the mobile version. Not to mention the name shortening is a very sad thing to see. Seeing character’s full names is always awesome.
1. Philippa ... She is too slow now. Before you could barely see whom exactly she hit, it was like a storm created by a really pissed off woman. It was realistically and cool.
2. Agreed on consume animation: it was way better before. The same on igni and scorch
3. The loading screen is too colourfull: background, thick edges of panels. I'd prefer it going back to what it was before, but with the ability to browse your dack while matchmaking is being done.
4. Damage animation is terrible. It's again too slow: this purple cloud... It looks like a magic effect even if its just a tribuchete firing. I liked more previous projectiles it used to shot.
5. The animation of that SC pit with spikes is even more terrible than damage animation.
6. I liked the previous dack building screen, the only thing missing was the ability of the game to save the position of units on rows. It simply helped to keep the deck in mind and it was beautiful.
7. Why did you remove triple art cards? They also were beautiful. What was the problem with them? I thought that eventually, all bronze card would end up being triple art but no - you somewhat removed a few cards that had the triple art.... Why?
8. When I pick a card by clicking on it - it's highlighted and I pick the place for it. But if I want to deselect it and press Esc button the game shows the forfeiting window at once. That is not a big issue but I would like using esc to deselect cards and when nothing is selected this button could be used to forfeit.
The old interface felt a lot more slick and smooth. It takes a while for you to choose cards in special selections too, it's annoying.
Well i just looked at Hearthstone for the first time.



Compared to that, the current Gwent interface aint that bad.

That shit made for babies or something.
SHALLAHJUSTICE;n10192202 said:
Compared to that, the current Gwent interface aint that bad.
I personally don't see much similarity, despite many recent unfavourable comparisons between the two.
I think the current interface needs a bit more polish, overall i find it better than the old one, however there is something i can't put my finger on, especially when you have cards coming out of the deck or graveyard, i noticed this the most while playing my queensguard deck.
Anyway the negative reaction is to be expected, after all we're talking about change on the internet.
Iuliandrei;n10194112 said:
I think the current interface needs a bit more polish, overall i find it better than the old one, however there is something i can't put my finger on, especially when you have cards coming out of the deck or graveyard, i noticed this the most while playing my queensguard deck.
Please, try to pin it down, if you can. I'm interested to see what specific areas players find 'unpolished'.
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