Ronvid nerf

iamthedave;n10327322 said:
I know its awful, but I can't help but run Vandergrift in my Henselt deck. I just love setting him up with machines. And that cry of 'What has that witch dooooooone?' Rubbish card mostly, but I love 'im when he works.

I definitely agree and I run him occasionally. That unexpected RnR is a game changer most of the time. When it works, it's wonders.
At least Ronvid could be countered. There is nothing you can do about someone dropping wardancer in the second round.
Ronvid seems fine as he is when it comes over to carryover, otherwise he's a super morkvarg. Making him resurrect onto a row that already has units on it makes sense though, and makes him slightly less random.
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