French translation for the doppler effect please !

French translation for the doppler effect please !

In English the doppler card has this effect : transform this card in a random bronze from your faction

In French the doppler card has this effect : transform this card in a random bronze from your deck

This second effect is much more interesting for those who want deckbuilding. The effet stay random but with a minimum of control and permit to create more competitive deck :D

I can translate the french cards if you want, at this moment the french translation is so bad :/

But my idea is to suggest this change because i found coolest and interesting for doppler to copy a random units in the deck than a random card in your faction. Now this card sucks a lot and isn't even fun at all...

In the same way, Shupe's big adventure isn't a competitive card but it's cool for funny. That's not the case for doppler...
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