Far Cry 4

Finally getting to get my hands on the game now. Kind of glad Amazon didn't cancel this mindlessly fun game.

My impression so far:

Hunting Rhinos < Hunting Rhinos atop an elephant.
I learned yesterday that if you drive side-by-side with an enemy car, you can get a takedown on the driver;
You can set things on fire with the repair tool (burninating faux nepalese rustic life is sometimes taxing on your stash of molotovs);
If you hop on/off an elephant too many times, it becomes uninteractable (not sure if a bug);
Buzzers have altitude limit;
If you shoot a couple of wolves in the pack the rest will run away instead of mindlessly charging you till the bitter end;
87 is hilariously OP.
Finally getting to get my hands on the game now. Kind of glad Amazon didn't cancel this mindlessly fun game.

My impression so far:

Hunting Rhinos < Hunting Rhinos atop an elephant.

Yeah, Far Cry 4 is ridiculous, but it KNOWS it's ridiculous and that makes it all the more fun to play! :D
May not pick up on the regional jokes but the Rush Limbaugh and Kim Jong Un references were pretty funny.

Also trying to take an outpost out silently. Nearly killed everyone except one guy buy alarm. Get on a roof and that guy starts screaming as a tiger pounces on me. On the roof... The Fuck?
Reached the end of the map on the buzzer and the game threatened me and demanded I went back. Then at the top of that mountain the buzzer wouldn't work anymore because, I guess, it was past its altitude limit.

Had a rhino "help" me take out a death squad convoy.

I must confess, this game is really fun. It's so over the top some bugs I found don't even bother me (like someone flying to the sky and falling flat on the ground after being shot with an arrow :p)
IMHO Far Cry 4 is probably the most boring game I've played this year so far...

Maybe it's also because I've played FC3 again only a few weeks ago. It's so damn similar, almost the same. Even the icons on the map are partly the same. Animations are almost the same. Gunplay is identical. Many side missions are the same. And so on. It really feels more like a mod than a new 60 bucks game...
That's why I'm glad I never touched 3. From the bits I saw my friend play it's basically copypasta.

It does get kind of repetitive after awhile. Did the arena last night and died quite a few times on the hardest round- round 1.
This game does not deserve Shooter of the Year. That should have went to Wolfenstein...

Shooters don't even deserve an own award category.

If they get one why isn't there none for tactial or strategy games? Or simulators? Or games which don't fit into just one genre? There were way more tactical games released than shooters this year for example.

Stupid, clueless mainstream console game journos and their pathetic, biased awards... ;)
If we're going to go there then nothing "deserves" an award category, it's the biggest foe of critical thinking/intellectual thought.
What does an award show actually... show? Hype and favouritism/bias.

Back ontopic... I wish this game had a way to replay certain missions, I don't want to replay the whole thing again.
Shooters don't even deserve an own award category.

If they get one why isn't there none for tactial or strategy games? Or simulators? Or games which don't fit into just one genre? There were way more tactical games released than shooters this year for example.

Stupid, clueless mainstream console game journos and their pathetic, biased awards... ;)

Because it is ok to also like bombastic experiences with big guns and high production values? I think you are the only biased one here. And just how many notable strategy games have come out in the last years? Starcraft II is the only notable example and that was 4 years ago. AAA strategy games are pretty much dead. I bet you've never played a proper shooter in your life.
If we're going to go there then nothing "deserves" an award category,

If tactical/strategy games don't earn an award why should shooters do?

This is not about dismissing shooters, it's just about fairness. It's quite pathetic that the jury of this show are all editors of gaming magazines or sites so you should think that they had at least some professionalism.

What's the purpose of an award show if not rewarding developers for their work? And what's the purpose of such a show if you can get an award if you make a shooter but not if you make a strategic or tactical game?

I mean you should either cover the complete market with your categories or you shouldn't make genre categories at all. Simple. In the movie industry this is pretty much standard. You don't get an Academy Award for "best action movie" or "best romantic comedy". If you made a big production you can get 2nd grade Awards like "best effects" and stuff. But nobody would vote a movie "best movie" or "best direction" just because it has high production values or bombastic effects. That way Transformers should have won at least 5 Academy Awards. Only the gaming industry is so premature to put market compliance above actual quality or innovation or art. If you ask me THAT'S the biggest foe of intellectual thought and also the biggest foe for games as a form of art...

I've played almost every half-decent shooter that is available on PC and was released in the past 15 years so you'd lose this bet..

Tactical/strategical games of the past years:
- Xcom Enemy Unknown
- Civilization Beyond Earth
- Rome 2 Total War
- Company of Heros 2
- Divinity Dragon Commander
- Endless Legend
- Europa Universalis IV
- Jagged Alliance Flashback
- Planetary Annihilation
- Valkyria Chronicles (PC)
- This War of Mine
- Blackguards
- Divinity Original Sin
- Wasteland 2
- StarCraft II

But yeah, I guess I don't know my stuff...
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If tactical/strategy games don't earn an award why should shooters do?
Not what I'm saying at all, just that I think all awards/award shows are a big joke. But that was going offtopic anyway(as mentioned before), so let's just forget it.
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At 54% completion, all collectibles and things done in Southern Kyrat(aside from fashion weekly). Should be going to the north soon.

If it wasn't for the gyrocoptor I would not have gotten any of that shit.

All praise the gyrocoptor! And spit on eagles!
Those fucking eagles take away 2 rectangles of health god damn, talk about "wild"life...

Sometimes two and then some. They really like to fuck with when you're sneaking.

Good thing npc's can't hear what I'm yelling when that happens. Would really give my position away then.
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