After the patches.... Game play/interactions change?

I notice there a few changes now from when i first played,..
different scenarios
some gigs changed or disappeared
different dialogue

Stuff like that.
anyone else?
Been a few years since i first played it, but it just something that feels off.

One is the Flathead gig. First time i played it, it was easy to give the virus chip with a tracker.
Now it different, got a wee bit more dialogue and if you don't do it right, they don't take the chip.

Sandorsett gig, it different as well, something nags at me that it different, result the same
sandra follow up call is way different, now i go to her apt.

Things like that.
I figure out other things, but they are different
One is the Flathead gig. First time i played it, it was easy to give the virus chip with a tracker.
Now it different, got a wee bit more dialogue and if you don't do it right, they don't take the chip.

Sandorsett gig, it different as well, something nags at me that it different, result the same
sandra follow up call is way different, now i go to her apt.
These two quests didn't change at all since release ;)
(In fact, almost nothing changed concerning directly GIGs or quests. For example, except the "new" GIGs added in 1.6, only the order they are unlocked changed since release. Before they were all available directly, now they are unlocked gradually)
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